20 DIY Home Projects That Make Redecorating Your Space a Breeze

If you're tired of looking at the same furniture day after day, perhaps you're ready for a major home interior makeover. We're talking different accent pieces, wallpaper, more vibrant colors, switching out throw pillows and blankets — the whole nine yards. Luckily, thanks to all the DIYers out there and the power of social media, redecorating our favorite spaces has never been easier. Whether you want to do a complete 180 to your current color scheme, or you're in desperate need of revamping your most used pieces, these DIY home projects will help you do just about anything.

Dyed Lampshade
The Crafted Life

Dyed Lampshade

Finding the perfect lamp is hard, so why not just redecorate the one you already have? With just a pop of color, a dyed lampshade can turn any room around.

Blanket Ladder
Love Grows Wild

Blanket Ladder

Not only will a blanket ladder spruce up your space, but it's a fun way to show off your blankets in an organized fashion. Plus, you'll gain extra storage in the process.

Wood Candle Holders
A Beautiful Mess

Wood Candle Holders

Elevate your candle game with these wood candle holders. The different heights can make for a beautiful centerpiece.


Rope Mirror

For those who love the nautical aesthetic but have no idea where to start, allow us to share this super-easy rope mirror DIY.

Fridge Wallpaper
The Crafted Life

Fridge Wallpaper

Between countertops, backsplash, and flooring, decorating a kitchen can be tricky. Hence why we're obsessed with fridge wallpaper, which can be updated with every season.

Nail Polish Organizer
A Beautiful Mess

Nail Polish Organizer

We love a storage organizer that doubles as decor, and this nail polish organizer is giving us major spa day vibes.

Paneled Ceiling
A Beautiful Mess

Paneled Ceiling

Tired of staring at popcorn ceilings? This paneled ceiling trick will transform your room into a lighter, brighter, and airy oasis.

Washi Tape Gallery Wall
The Crafted Life

Washi Tape Gallery Wall

You mean we don't have to hammer nails into the wall or spend endless hours looking for the right frames? We're calling it: frames are out and washi tape gallery walls are in!

Faux Cement Tile
A Beautiful Mess

Faux Cement Tile

Faux cement tile might just be the edgy makeover your closet, bathroom, backyard, or entryway needs.

Acrylic Glitter Coasters
A Beautiful Mess

Acrylic Glitter Coasters

Protect your furniture while also giving it a pop of pizazz with handmade acrylic glitter coasters.

Macramé Pom Pom Hanging Planter
Sarah Hearts

Macramé Pom Pom Hanging Planter

Calling all green thumbs! This DIY macram pom pom hanging planter is for you.

Reupholstered Bed Frame
A Beautiful Mess

Reupholstered Bed Frame

Switch up the color palette in your room with a reupholstered bed frame. Plus, reupholstering is the gift that keeps on giving — move onto the pillows, seat cushions, or couch next!

Paper Shapes Wall Art
Sugar and Cloth

Paper Shapes Wall Art

If you're looking to bring in a new color, paper shapes wall art is an easy way to do it. You can also tie in already existing colors to make the transition that much easier!

Brass Ring Hanging Planters
A Beautiful Mess

Brass Ring Hanging Planters

If you've already done the macramé thing, or rope doesn't mesh with your current aesthetic, these industrious-looking brass ring hanging planters may be right up your alley.

Yarn Fringe Pillow
A Beautiful Mess

Yarn Fringe Pillow

Your boring couch won't feel so boring with the addition of a few yarn fringe pillows.

Cork Board Wall Art
Sweet Peas and Saffron

Cork Board Wall Art

From the size to the design all the way down to the shape, cork board wall art is 100 percent customizable.

Dyed Ombre Basket
The Crafted Life

Dyed Ombre Basket

Update your catch-all basket or woven storage organizers with a dyed ombre basket.


Geometric Planters

Geometric planters are another way to liven up a counter or table piece. Their unique dimension automatically makes them a stand out among other tabletop accessories.