15 Hilariously Accurate Thoughts You've Had While Shopping For Decor at Target

Could your home pass for a Target decor ad, filled room to room with everything from lounge chairs, bar carts, trinket trays, and even a full set of plates and bowls in the kitchen cupboard? If so, then I get you. I understand you. Target has successfully found a way to mesh adorable design with affordable pricing and has easily become a leader in the world of home decor. Why wouldn't you be obsessed with the store?! Read on for a series of situations that only those who truly love Target decor will understand.

Yes, you will be getting up at the crack of dawn to be first in line during designer collaboration releases.

Yes, you will be getting up at the crack of dawn to be first in line during designer collaboration releases.

Who can forget Lilly Pulitzer 2015?

Your self-control is nonexistent, and you will always overbuy.
Walt Disney Studios

Your self-control is nonexistent, and you will always overbuy.

Keyword: always.

But seriously, why is the selection of decorative trays so good?

But seriously, why is the selection of decorative trays so good?

Still trying to figure that one out.

Buying decor accessories with every intention of giving them to your friends . . .

Buying decor accessories with every intention of giving them to your friends . . .

But then realizing how great that pillow looks in your living room.

Target decor is the only reason you brave the outdoors on Black Friday.
20th Century Studios

Target decor is the only reason you brave the outdoors on Black Friday.

No way you're missing out on those deals.

Oh, there are other stores that sell cute picture frames?
Warner Bros.

Oh, there are other stores that sell cute picture frames?

You wouldn't know. Or care.

The phrase “you’ll never guess . . . I got it at Target!” has become your tag line.
Sony Pictures Television

The phrase “you’ll never guess . . . I got it at Target!” has become your tag line.

You're actually pretty impressed, too.

Realizing new hobbies, like backyard entertaining (thank you, outdoor tableware section).
E! Entertainment Television

Realizing new hobbies, like backyard entertaining (thank you, outdoor tableware section).

Or even burning incense (looking at you, candle aisle).

Literally, it's the answer to every single one of your basket needs.

Literally, it's the answer to every single one of your basket needs.

You never knew you needed this many baskets, but you do. You really do.

Three words: Target. Holiday. Decor.
New Line Cinema

Three words: Target. Holiday. Decor.

Yes, it is that good.

Gladly volunteering to run to the store to pick up some more milk.

Gladly volunteering to run to the store to pick up some more milk.

Grocery store? HA. You'll just swing by Target and check out the decor section while you're at it.

Visiting three different Targets in your immediate location searching for a popular lamp that you MUST have.

Visiting three different Targets in your immediate location searching for a popular lamp that you MUST have.

That's dedication.

Experiencing complete devastation when you realize the lamp is sold out everywhere.

Experiencing complete devastation when you realize the lamp is sold out everywhere.

And no, it's not even on the website.

And finally, hitting up your out-of-town friend to look for the lamp at her Targets, and she FINDS ONE!

And finally, hitting up your out-of-town friend to look for the lamp at her Targets, and she FINDS ONE!

What a good freakin' friend.

Getting weirdly territorial when you realize that there are other people in the world who love Target decor just as much as you.
E! Entertainment Television

Getting weirdly territorial when you realize that there are other people in the world who love Target decor just as much as you.

But it's cool, because you know you still love it the most.