If You're Bilingual, You Know These Scenarios Can Only Be Dealt With in Spanish

For those of us who are bilingual, it's very hard to not use Spanish, especially when circumstances call for it — like when you're mad or drunk or come across a cute baby.

You know what we mean, the Spanish words literally just come flying out of your mouth, because there are just certain phrases that convey your excitement or anger so much better than any English word could ever do. Keep reading to see under what circumstances Spanish is just necessary, plain and simple.

If a Loved One Gets Injured

If a Loved One Gets Injured

You go straight into mom mode and start singing "sana, sana colita de rana."

When You Have to Count (Down the Hours Until Party Time)

When You Have to Count (Down the Hours Until Party Time)

If your first language is Spanish, chances are you can't count unless it's uno, dos, tres.

As Soon as You See a Baby

As Soon as You See a Baby

First you say "que lindo/a," then you proceed to talk to them in a mix of Spanglish that only comes out when in front of a baby.

When the Drunk Monster Comes Out
Paramount Pictures

When the Drunk Monster Comes Out

If you are drunk, then you can't stop telling everyone about your life in Spanish: "Cuando yo era joven . . ."

When You're Mad

When You're Mad

As soon as you start speaking Spanish, everyone stops to listen, because they know you are serious.

If You Get Hurt
TV Land

If You Get Hurt

That "coño" or "c*arajo" is coming no matter how hard you try to stop it.

When Someone Is Trying to Holler at You and Won't Stop
The CW

When Someone Is Trying to Holler at You and Won't Stop

We like to say "no hablo ingles" to escape their grip.

When You're at Your Parents' House

When You're at Your Parents' House

It's better to switch back to Spanish before your mom says "en esta casa no me hable en ingles."

If the Pain Is Too Strong

If the Pain Is Too Strong

There's no other way to express just how much it hurts than saying "¡no puedo con el dolor!"

Showing Off at a Latinx Restaurant

Showing Off at a Latinx Restaurant

When the rest of your friends don't speak Spanish, this is your moment to shine — and get everyone a free drink or appetizer.

When It's Time For All of the "Chisme"

When It's Time For All of the "Chisme"

Spreading "chisme" in Spanish is so much better; that way, no one around you can understand.

When Something's Dirty/Gross/Sketchy

When Something's Dirty/Gross/Sketchy

You can't resist the urge to say the word "sucia."

If Something Is That Shocking

If Something Is That Shocking

The words "¿qué?" or "espérate" just fly out of your mouth in an instant.