This Baño For the Sept. 6 New Moon Will Help Put Your Future Plans in Order

Virgo season is upon us, and with it brings the grounding and stable energy of the new moon, which will reach its peak at 8:53 p.m. ET on Sept. 6. While new moons are always a good time to slow down, reflect, and wish for what you want to see manifested in your life, the new moon in Virgo adds a savory sauce that pulls our heads out of the clouds and plants our feet firmly on the ground.

Virgo Traits

This Earth sign is known for having a go-getter spirit, being highly organized, and being a bit of a perfectionist. At times, that go-go-go energy needs an intentional pause, and there is no better time to do that than during the new moon.

Manifestation Guidance

There are some very specific areas of life that are good to wish upon during the new moon in Virgo with full trust that we will begin seeing our manifestations come to fruition six months from now when the full moon in Virgo peaks. Focusing our wishes on things like our physical health and wellness, our work, organizing efficiently, and relaxing that perfectionism all work well during the new moon in Virgo.

So if you're trying to heal your relationship with food, you may want to wish for attraction to healthy foods that fuel your body. In your professional life, think big! This new moon's energy is great for wishing for that dream job or promotion and even more work-life balance to succeed both professionally and personally.

While the loving, energetic Virgo vibes can be exciting, they could also be all over the place at times. Wishing for order and efficiency without becoming consumed by stress is also a great way to tap into this new moon. All of us can benefit from worrying less, and to do that, the new moon in Virgo says, "bring on the wishes!" Since Virgo rules excessive perfectionism, this new moon is a good time to curb that behavior and find a healthier alternative. Wishing for the removal of obsessive worrying from your life could clear the path to your excellence. No more standing in your own way.

If your health is of focus during this new moon in Virgo, it's good to know the areas of the body that are specifically ruled by Virgo. For example, if you're looking to balance your solar plexus chakra, which is located two inches above the navel and is associated with our confidence, self-esteem, and being in control of our lives, this is a great new moon to work with.

The solar plexus chakra is associated with yellow, so go out and buy yourself some beautiful yellow flowers and place them in an area of your home where they're easily seen. Every time you look at the flowers, feel the light of that solar plexus chakra shining brighter and feeling more at ease. Don't forget to add yellow flowers to your Sept. 6 shopping list!

Not into flowers? You could also work with crystals, like the beautiful citrine, which is yellow, can stimulate solar plexus chakra healing, and brings out the best for thinking on your toes. Whatever it is you're into, make your new moon in Virgo magic work for you. Write down your wishes in a journal, or write a few on Post-its and place them around your home as friendly reminders of your self-care and life goals.

On the evening of Sept. 6, when that new moon in Virgo is at its peak, indulge in yourself by focusing that Virgo energy on manifesting your wishes. After writing or speaking your wishes out into the universe, slip into a comforting bath with your wishes fresh on your mind.

New Moon Baño

While you're filling up your tub, make sure to speak those wishes into the water as you close your eyes and relax into the moment, giving thanks for all the little things in life. And since Virgo is ruled by the sinuses and respiratory system, don't hesitate to light a fragrant candle or yummy incense or add a few drops of essential oil like ylang-ylang and chamomile to your bath. Ylang-ylang is known to help alleviate anxiety due to its calming effect, while chamomile tends to be associated with purification and protection.

If you want to add taste to this sensory experience, soak in your bath, and while you're drying off in a silky or comfy robe, mindfully sip on a cup of chamomile tea with honey and lemon. Breathe in the steam, smile at yourself, and trust that all your wishes can come true!