What Does 2018 Have in Store For Pisces?

This past year has been an intense one, especially for a gentle Pisces. Don't fret, though; there are big things on the horizon for you in 2018! Out of all the zodiac signs, Pisces encompass wisdom, intuition, creativity, and compassion. Because Pisces' ruling planet is Neptune, their intuitive nature tends to be off the charts. This means they are often artistic, which can translate to a talent for music and other forms of art.

Pisces can also be very romantic, fiercely loyal and generous, and good-natured, which means you can often find them in the company of a diverse group of people. Being selfless is in Pisces's zodiac DNA; however, this can sometimes land then in hot water when they are too trusting.

2018 Overview

Come New Year's Day, the moon, Neptune, Mars, and Jupiter will all move into a water sign. This is good news for the intuitive Pisces, because your Spidey-senses will be extra sharp in the coming year. Pisces also tend to have an intensely spiritual side, and in 2018, this will be making a bigger appearance in your life.

While you may find yourself trying to be more practically minded, there is a slight twist in May, when Uranus makes a move into Taurus. Although you are trying to be practical, remember to try and be mindful of everything around how no matter how big or small it may seem. This time of year will also be anything but boring. Try to have fun, but be careful as well.

While you may have your eyes on material things, Pisces are constantly chasing their dreams, which is why Neptune plays a big role in your approach to life. Your other ruling planet, Jupiter, will be airing on the side of Scorpio in 2018, which will result in retrograde from March until early September. This means your day-to-day stuff should be a breeze.

By November, Jupiter moves away from Scorpio and and will meet again with Sagittarius. Gear up for a big bang to the end of your year, because you will be in high demand with a lot of events filling your social calendar.

Career and Finances

While you are naturally an out-of-the-box thinker, this may be the year to try new things. Working in the public sector may be a place where your talents can shine through in a new capacity. However, with Saturn coming into Capricorn, heed the people around you and be a little more cautious.

Later, with Pluto in Capricorn, this could mean more big changes coming your way career-wise. Don't worry; just try to be ready and open to it. With Jupiter's retrograde making an appearance again in March through July, this may be a good time to buckle down and try to save a little money for a rainy day.

With a Mars retrograde in Capricorn occurring from June to late August, be sure to keep your finances and job choices in check. You have a downswing in options when Uranus moves in and out of Taurus; with Uranus now out of the picture, this means your creative side will get going again, but this could result in a bit of financial and career uncertainty.

Your year will end with Jupiter back in Sagittarius. Be prepared to work hard and, in the end, reap all the benefits.

Friends and Love

There are many love and platonic options for your on the 2018 horizon. You will a lot of attention coming your way in February and March. And a lunar eclipse on Jan. 31 could send some very interesting prospects in your direction.

You may start to notice a pattern in the qualities that attracted to you former lovers if you are single. If that's the case, try not to get caught in that trap, unless you think it is in your best interest to do so. If you are in a relationship, January, February, and March are when you and your honey get the time and space to figure things out.

If you are attached, your relationship will offer space away from the stresses of family and other relationships. This will last until the Summer, when Mars retrograde enters in Capricorn. Despite the problems that may come up, you and your SO will figure it out.

If you're single, March will be the month to make a move on that special someone you've had your eye on. This is your month, because Mercury, Venus, and Neptune are all in Pisces. Luxuriate in the attention and compliments. The Summer will come with Mars in retrograde with Capricorn. You might find yourself in the position of meeting someone new who is willing to make things work in the way you want.

Come October and November, the Venus retrograde may slow down your social life. If you're thinking about making the next big move in your love or platonic relationship, consider holding off until the Venus retrograde ends in late November.


The last year has been good to you health-wise. In 2018, be sure to feed all sides of you spiritually, mentally, and physically. This new year may bring about a renewed interest in being healthy and exercising.

In the coming year, you may also find yourself taking preventative measures to keep yourself in the great shape you have been. Consider that doctor's visit you may have been putting off. Also, pay more attention to your heart, spine, knees, teeth, and skeletal alignment. Make those regular check-ups, especially to the dentist, and remember to stretch and work on better posture.