Kim Kardashian Doesn't Mind Objectifying Herself

Kim Kardashian has some smart thoughts about women, and it's fabulous. On Tuesday, she spoke at the Castro Theater in San Francisco and revealed her intriguing opinions on objectification:

"I took all those photos myself," Kim said, regarding her book Selfish. "I like them. I'm proud of them. I think there's power in that; I have the control to put out what I want. Even if it's objectifying myself, I'm OK with that. It's really a matter of opinion. If a woman does a photo shoot that she thinks was tasteful and artfully done, the media might still use it for their own benefit and exploit it. But for me, I don't care that they exploited it if I loved it and was happy with the message behind it."

Like her or not, I think it's evident Kim has come a long way since the birth of her fame, and it shows in this speech. If a woman loves an image of herself — whether it's considered objectifying or not (which is pretty subjective, let's face it) — who cares if she puts it out there? Isn't it more empowering to let her act as she pleases rather than tell her what she can and can't do?

Basically, Kim rules the world. Is it so wrong to look up to her? I'm thinking that's a robust "no."