The 9 Hottest Disney Princes, Ranked

When it comes to Disney princes, no doubt you already have your favorite picked out. He was the one you pictured reciting your vows to when you were 10. The one that made your tiny heart pitter-patter. The one you couldn't stop dreaming about smooching when you were supposed to be working on fractions. And maybe there's a little lingering emotion when recalling your Disney dude in the present, because let's face it — he never stopped being hot. Ahead are nine profoundly attractive princes, ranked in descending order of sexiness by the POPSUGAR editors. Oh, happy day.



"Tarzan is hot because he doesn't say much, he knows how to use his hands, and he looks great with leaves over his junk — which not most men can claim as true."

— Larissa Green, social media editor



"Hercules is obviously the hottest Disney prince because he values his humble roots even when realizing he's a Greek demigod. He is also totally OK with strong and independent women like Meg, and that's the best quality for a guy to have! The muscles don't hurt either."

— Sarah Siegel, editorial intern

John Smith

John Smith

"I loved John Smith — who doesn't like a guy who is up for adventure? Plus, he's got great hair."

— Macy Williams, assistant editor, POPSUGAR Love and Smart Living

Li Shang

Li Shang

"Li Shang is bae all the way. The ponytail. The eyebrows. The uniform. I also remember being quite taken with him during the whole 'I'll Make a Man Out of You' montage."

— Kelsey R. Garcia, editorial assistant

Prince Eugene Fitzherbert, aka Flynn Rider

Prince Eugene Fitzherbert, aka Flynn Rider

"I can't help but love Flynn Rider! The sarcasm, the deviousness, the law breaking . . . typical, irresistible bad-boy traits, and then you peel them back and see he's got a heart of gold. Talk about heart eyes."

— Rachel Crowley, copy editor

"That smolder, though. Even though no one can ever get his nose right, he'd be the perfect prince to take selfies with on the daily. His sense of humor and sarcasm definitely meet the qualifications of the man of my dreams."

— Allison Chan, marketing coordinator, Influencer Programs

Prince Naveen

Prince Naveen

"In recent years, Prince Naveen has really captured my attention. Sure, his work ethic and sense of personal responsibility are a bit lacking, but that hair. Those teeth. That accent. It's no wonder that he won over lovable workaholic Tiana by the end of the movie, right? Opposites attract, and as a goal-oriented lady myself, I definitely find him charming."

— Brinton Parker, assistant editor, trending and viral features

"That smile, that carefree nature — what's not to love? Oh, and he has serious style!"

— Victor Verdugo, editorial intern

Prince Adam, aka The Beast

Prince Adam, aka The Beast

"The Beast, hands down. His baby blues rival Leo's, and don't even get me started on those long, gorgeous locks. And those lips! Sorry . . . what were we talking about?"

— Hilary White, editor, POPSUGAR Love and Smart Living

"As a Beauty and the Beast fanatic, I have to say the Beast. Growing up, I was always attracted to his sensitive personality, which was buried under all of that sexy hair. I grew up to be a beard-lover — go figure."

— Alessia Santoro, assistant editor, POPSUGAR Moms

"The Beast's expertly crafted pecs, pillowy lips, Pantene-perfect hair, and startlingly blue eyes make him a 10 on the sexiness scale. Oh, and the way he kisses Belle is a truly magical thing to behold."

— Ashley Paige, assistant editor, POPSUGAR Love and Smart Living

Prince Eric

Prince Eric

"It's weird admitting that I was once attracted to a cartoon [editor's note: not even a LITTLE weird], but he always seemed so genuine and I hated that Ursula was playin' him, ya know? And then the way he just jumped into the ocean to save Ariel — I'd risk being drowned by a giant octopus so someone would do that for me."

— Samantha Netkin, editorial assistant, trending and social

"Eric is hot AF, am I right? Strapping, athletically built sailor; light eyes; dark hair; perfect smile — and he loves mermaids. Did I mention he lives in a beautiful castle on the sea cliffs and has a boat?! Oh yeah."

— Dominique Astorino, assistant editor, POPSUGAR Fitness

"Not only does he have a chiseled jawline and flawless hair, but you could literally get lost in his gorgeous blue eyes. He also scores mad points for being a dog-lover. Plus, have you seen what he would look like in real life? Total babe."

— Kelsie Gibson, assistant editor, POPSUGAR Celebrity

"I mean, this is just really obvious. The dimples, big baby blues, the low-cut shirt, snug pants . . ."

— Tara Block, content director, POPSUGAR Living



"Aladdin's hot AND charming. If you can get past the fact that he's a little bit of a liar, you'll always have a fun time with him!"

— Coady De Muri, marketing assistant, Influencer Programs

"I am forever in love with Persian culture . . . and men."

— Anna Roberts, editor, POPSUGAR Food

"Aladdin is the only one who is the star of his own movie, and therefore is the clear winner. I guess Simba would take second place by that logic."

— Becky Kirsch, senior content director, POPSUGAR Celebrity and Entertainment

"It's obviously Aladdin. I'm not even sure why this is being debated."

— Britt Stephens, lead editor, POPSUGAR Celebrity