An Entire County in Florida Has Officially Mandated a No-Homework Policy

Back-to-school season is often a time of chaos for moms. There's the shopping, the early mornings, and the struggle to get kids onto the bus on time. But families in Marion County, FL, have a little less to worry about thanks to a newly implemented no-homework policy for kids in elementary school.

Although Superintendent Heidi Maier recommends parents read with their kids for at least 20 minutes each night, homework in the traditional sense is taking a back seat. That means no worksheets or workbooks coming home.

The decision was based on research findings that show homework doesn't benefit young children, Maier said in an interview with the Today show.

And while most parents are thrilled about the news, others are concerned about their kids falling behind. Their reasoning? While homework definitely doesn't help when it's assigned in excess, the jury's still out when it comes to the relationship between how much they do and their test scores.

So far, all 31 elementary schools in Marion County have agreed not to dole out any after-school work for the upcoming school year.

It's also important to note that the ban is only for elementary school students. Kids in middle and high school will still be given take-home assignments.