Girl Scout Cookie Sales Go Digital

Girl Scout cookie season is almost here, and for the first time ever, you can order your favorite treats without answering the door. After more than 100 years of person-to-person transactions, the Girl Scouts of the USA have added a digital component to cookie sales. The new program, known as Digital Cookie, allows scouts to take orders online and via email with the approval of their parents. The new method also provides a countdown to the end of the cookie season and helps girls track their orders without paper and pens. But that doesn't mean the traditional sales techniques are going away anytime soon. Kelly Parisi, chief communications executive of GSUSA, says girls are still encouraged to set up stands or sell to neighbors and that the digital component is merely meant to give them more opportunities to sell.

"We are girl-led and girl-driven. We go where girls are, and girls are digital natives," Parisi told USA Today. "The digital component will enhance the sales, and the byproduct will be a larger social imprint from the girls." Digital Cookie will be tested for the 2014 season and will become a permanent fixture in 2015 if it proves to be successful.