Bottle Flipping Is the Latest Viral Trend Kids Are Driving Their Parents Nuts With

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If you're a parent of a school-aged child, chances are you already know about bottle flipping because you can currently hear the slam of plastic water bottles in the next room and it's driving you nuts. If you've managed to avoid the latest viral trend — in which a half-empty water bottle is expertly (or not) flipped to land right side up — then you're dangerously close to finding out all about it. Hollee Actman Becker, a writer at Parents, discovered the trend when she walked in on her son and his friend flinging bottles across her kitchen and was promptly shown the above video to see just how "cool" bottle flipping is.

Watch the video to see what it's all about for yourself (honestly, it's pretty funny), and if you discover half-empty water bottles all over your floors, this is why. Oh, and if you're thinking your kid wouldn't be into this, they're starting to ban the game in schools so it's honestly just a matter of time before your child takes to your kitchen to try his hand at it (spoiler alert: it's probably going to be loud).