Undecided Voters: Aziz Ansari Would Like to Have a Word With You

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During the ongoing presidential election season, many celebrities have come forward to urge citizens to vote. Chelsea Handler, for example, even wrote a hilarious rap aimed at female voters. Now, Aziz Ansari has made his own voting PSA . . . while simultaneously critiquing them.

In a YouTube video for NextGen Climate, Aziz said, "I'm here because apparently there's someone watching this video that's on the fence about voting and they're gonna see me telling them to vote and then they're gonna be like, 'OK. I guess I'll vote.'"

The comedian and Master of None creator went on to note that many of the other celebrities who made similar videos are way more famous. He said, "How many celebrities have made these stupid f*cking videos? Robert Downey Jr. made one. DiCaprio made one . . . These people are way more famous than me."

By the end of the video, however, Aziz begs viewers to get out and vote. Watch the funny video, above.