You Might Be Surprised by the States Where #ComingOut Is a Popular Hashtag

Coming out is a deeply personal event in the lives of LGBTQ+ people everywhere. Everyone has a different story — many of us even have multiple stories. After all, very few of us only need to come out once. Some never take that step. Others still wait for the perfect moment for the perfect person, or tell only the people who need to know, when they need to know. And others are using the internet to tell their truth for the first time. I'm one of them.

I came out to my parents last year on June 1 in a way I considered . . . not ideal. I regarded it as a fairly cowardly move compared to the many ways I'd shared my queerness with others before, but it was the only way I could manage to do it: I wrote a post about being afraid to come out to them, sent the link to my mom, and then hopped on a plane for a vacation in France because I'm that person.

My mom was upset, but mostly at the way I told them — "running so many miles away, then dropping a bomb, and not face to face," as she put it, which, yeah, fair. Despite that, she reassured me of her love, as always, and expressed her sadness that I didn't feel I could talk to her about it since we've always been so close. The surprise was her saying my dad "always thought it was a possibility." Whoops.

After I got back from France, I spent two hours sitting on the couch with my mom talking it through while the Giants lost to the Rockies on TV. There were tears shed on both sides, more affirmations of support, and soothing of hurt feelings. We also broke down a few misconceptions about queerness and my sexuality specifically. And that was it: I was out to all the important people in my life and, you know, even more of the internet than before.

That particular chapter of my coming out story may resonate with some in the community, since plenty of others take to the internet to do so as well. In fact, 102,632 people last year came out by way of the internet — specifically, by way of Instagram and the #ComingOut tag, according to a study by Zava shared exclusively with POPSUGAR. Data shows the use of the tag has increased by 133 percent since 2011, illustrating the growing voice of the LGBTQ+ community.

As LGBTQ+ movements gain momentum, they gain popularity — and support for changing laws and rejecting injustices. While I never posted about coming out specifically on my Instagram, the visibility of others doing so allowed me to reach out to my mom knowing I had a support system behind me. The results of the Zava study ahead illustrate exactly how big that support system really is.

What Is the Most Popular Time of the Year For Coming Out on Instagram?
Courtesy of Zava

What Is the Most Popular Time of the Year For Coming Out on Instagram?

According to Zava's data, collected by analyzing almost 250,000 uses of #ComingOut, many folks take advantage of National Coming Out Day in October to do so. On the day itself in 2017, almost 3,200 people used the tag, compared to only 183 in 2012.

Other popular months for the tag include Pride Month itself (June), July, and August. In honor of Pride Month in June of 2017, people used #ComingOut on 10,334 posts. During times of celebration in the LGBTQ+ community, like Pride Month and National Coming Out Day, use of the tag spikes as positivity surrounding the community does.

Which US States and Cities Use #ComingOut Most?
Courtesy of Zava

Which US States and Cities Use #ComingOut Most?

Some of the places using #ComingOut most aren't surprising — Hollywood, San Francisco, Atlanta, New York — but others illustrate the LGBTQ+ population's growing confidence and the changing attitudes of society as a whole. Kansas, for instance, ranks third on the list of states, with the highest percentage of use of #ComingOut compared to its population. See also Nebraska (ninth) and New Mexico (10th.)

How Do People React to #ComingOut?
Courtesy of Zava

How Do People React to #ComingOut?

Happily, a large majority of #ComingOut posts invoke positive reactions on people's feeds. While part of this likely involves individuals curating their timelines and followers, especially within the LGBTQ+ community, only six percent of reactions on the posts were negative. Even after the 2016 election, neutral reactions rose while negative reactions remained infrequent. According to Zava's results, Instagram posts featuring #ComingOut have been "liked" 66.4 million times.

Of course, while #ComingOut reactions gauge the growing positivity toward the LGBTQ+ community in public, the queer community still faces many obstacles and dangers, from violence against transgender folks especially to cake shops refusing commissions from gay couples, along with high rates of suicide. The drop in median "likes" in 2016 shows the impact of real-life tragedies on the community — from the Pulse nightclub attack to the tumultuous 2016 election and the rise of the alt-right that year — but the bounceback in 2017 and 2018 reflect a society moving toward change.

What Other Tags Do People Use?
Courtesy of Zava

What Other Tags Do People Use?

Since #ComingOut celebrates queerness, of course, the tag used most often alongside it is #Love: love of others, love of the self, and love of everyone else. #LoveIsLove bumps in at number four, with #Pride at number seven and #Happy at number nine. The LGBTQ+ community likes to celebrate itself, and it's leading the way for everyone else as well.

To see other trends about #ComingOut, check out the full Zava study.