3 Compelling Reasons Trump May Have Intentionally Leaked His 2005 Tax Return

President Donald Trump's recently released tax return may have revealed nothing surprising, but the White House's willingness to confirm its veracity is actually more revealing. On March 15, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow made quite the hullabaloo over a copy of Trump's tax return from 2005, obtained by David Cay Johnston, a contributor to The Daily Beast.

The document demonstrated what Trump himself has already admitted: his accountants are impressively talented at avoiding taxes. The alleged billionaire paid less than four percent on his 2005 income of $150 million federally and $31 million in an alternative minimum tax. Considering Trump has consistently refused to release his tax returns while citing an audit, it seems odd that the White House would suddenly verify this 1040 form. But the move is ostensibly intentional.

Several journalists, including Johnston, have suggested that Trump leaked his own tax return (the document is clearly stamped "client copy") and there are few convincing reasons for why that might be the case.

1. Trump's remaining unreleased tax returns could reveal something incriminating.

As HuffingtonPost journalist Seth Abramson points out, the White House's "spooked" response to the leak suggests his other tax returns might be less innocuous.

5) The WH's frantic and clearly "spooked" reaction to the release of Trump's '05 1040 will confirm to many that Trump has something to hide.

— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) March 15, 2017

9) The release of Trump's '05 return puts _squarely_ back into public discourse the question of why Trump refuses to release _any_ returns.

— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) March 15, 2017

14) The WH's willingness to talk about _this_ return sets a standard we can use later on if/when the WH balks at discussing _other_ returns.

— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) March 15, 2017

2. The tax return gave Trump (and his ego) a chance to boast.

The president has consistently fought the claim that he is not worth has much money as he contends. This tax return reveals that Trump made $150 million in a year that was financially volatile for many. However, this 1040 fails to prove that Trump is actually a billionaire.

3. The leaked document distracts citizens from two arguably more significant scandals

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough points out that Trump possibly leaked this tax return as a distraction from Russia and his botched health care reform effort.

This one tax return is not bad for him because he cherry picked one return from over a decade ago and had it leaked to the press. https://t.co/P5cMuApGVe

— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) March 15, 2017

The Trump camp released one positive tax return to distract from Russia hearings and the Trumpcare meltdown. That's painfully obvious. https://t.co/NLBVPJhwg6

— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) March 15, 2017