George Takei's Response to People Who Want Trump Opponents to "Get Over It" Is Just Perfect

"Get over it" is the message many Donald Trump supporters have for his opponents, especially given this week's (failed) attempt to get the electoral college to vote against him.

In response to those comments, legendary actor George Takei sent a tweet that's going viral. "Sorry. We're not going to 'get over it,'" he wrote. "We're going to fight. They'll have to pry every right, every progress, every gain out of our hands." The tweet now has more than 10,000 retweets and 26,000 likes.

This isn't the first time Takei has spoken about the election, writing a reassuring tweet on election night after Trump won and calling out the president-elect's flag-burning comments. With his latest message, he echoes the promise of many people vowing to stand up for justice in the face of President Trump.