Watch John Oliver Explain Why the GOP's Healthcare Plan Hurts Trump's Voters the Most

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It's quite clear that the GOP healthcare proposal is a disaster: neither conservatives nor progressives support the bill. But the people whom the plan hurts the most, those living below the poverty line, bear the brunt of its shortcomings — and John Oliver did not hold back when explaining just how destructive the bill is.

On his late-night show, Oliver pointed out that 6 to 15 million people, many of whom voted for Trump, could lose their coverage under the American Health Care Act. "Those hit the hardest, who stand to lose $5,000 or more under the new plan, are ironically a group that voted for Trump by a huge margin," Oliver said. "It's like if the people of Pompeii voted for the volcano."

So who actually benefits from the new bill? Well, surprise: the highest socioeconomic bracket will receive a massive tax break. "So this plan is literally taking money from the poor and giving it to the very rich," Oliver said.

Despite criticism from all sides (Oliver showed a clip of Fox News's Tucker Carlson questioning the bill's efficacy), House Speaker Paul Ryan remains convinced it's a viable bill. Even President Donald Trump, who said he had no idea health care would be so complicated, seems to have distanced himself from the bill since he has allegedly shied away from calling it Trumpcare.

Oliver, whose been known to vie for the president's attention before, has a plan: his show has bought ad air time on Fox & Friends (since Trump is evidently an avid watcher) and will air a spot in which an actor details just how much harder life will be under the new healthcare bill.