Women's March Organizers Are Planning a Day Without Women — Here's What We Know So Far

Following the success of the Women's March on Washington (and around the world), the organizers have coordinated another day of action: a general strike. On Monday, the Women's March shared a message across their socials with scant details other than that they are planning what's called "A Day Without a Woman."

Millions of people demonstrated against President Donald Trump and his policies the day after his inauguration, but many wondered how to maintain the momentum. On their website, the Women's March lists 10 actions for the first 100 days of Trump's presidency; the first two have been released and focus on organizing. Their calls to action have not specified a general strike yet.

While the date has yet to be announced, the strike could temporarily bring the economy to a halt and potentially prove what a workforce without women would look like. Critics of the strike point out that some women cannot afford to stop working for a day, but social media users have suggested fundraising for those women so they can participate.

One thing is certain, though: as proclaimed by the Women's March's announcement, "The will of the people will stand."