Watch Airbnb 's Super Bowl Ad That Went Viral For Its Message About Acceptance

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Amid this year's Super Bowl ads starring an oddly sexual Mr. Clean and the always dapper Justin Timberlake, Airbnb chose to take a more serious route, airing a commercial that focuses on acceptance.

The powerful advertisement features close-up shots of diverse Airbnb employees while a message states: "We believe no matter who you are, where you're from, who you love, or who you worship, we all belong. The world is more beautiful the more you accept." The last frame of the commercial shows the hashtag #weaccept, which quickly started trending on social media on Super Bowl night.

The hashtag is part of a larger effort started by Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky, who shared a series of tweets explaining the company's new #WeAccept campaign, including how it's aiming to provide short-term housing for 100,000 people in need over the next five years.

Given the controversy surrounding Donald Trump's immigration orders, this commercial is just what America needs right now.