Sen. Gillibrand's "Help People or Go the F*ck Home" Speech Is Striking a Powerful Chord

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand dropped a few F-bombs while delivering a speech at New York University on June 9. Speaking at the Personal Democracy Forum, the New York senator explained why she believes all public servants should live by the motto "If we are not helping people, we should go the f*ck home."

"That should be our framing principle of what we are doing in public service," she stated. "For working families, they want us to cut out the BS. They want us to focus on their lives and how we can make it better." Gillibrand also called on public servants to look at themselves in the mirror and ask, "What are we gonna do, and how are we gonna make good things happen?"

Gillibrand didn't stop there with her colorful language, either. She also addressed President Donald Trump's failure to accomplish much since taking office this year, telling the crowd: "Has he kept his promises? No. F*ck no."

Many publications were quick to call Gillibrand's blunt choice of words "out of character," but it isn't the first time the 50-year-old senator has used expletives to get her point across. In April, Gillibrand made the same exact "go the f*ck home" statement in a profile written on her in New York Magazine. She's also not the only woman in government who's not afraid to say it like she means it and to use the occasional expletive while doing it.

Just last month, California Senator Kamala Harris dropped her own F-bomb during an episode of Pod Save America to make a point about another lawmaker's illogical, cruel comments on health care. We think it's a refreshing trend to see women in politics speak out and speak up, even if that means offending a few people in the process.