This Will Go Down as the Funniest Moment From the GOP Debate

Thursday night's GOP debate in Detroit was all about addressing the hard-hitting questions, like, "How big is Donald Trump's penis?" and, more importantly, "What was that white thing on Ted Cruz's lips?" While Cruz talked about federal spending, the thing lingered there long enough for Twitter to explode before he carefully tucked it back in his mouth.

😳 That white thing on Ted Cruz's lip is driving my batty. #GOPDebate #FOXDebate

— jill sherman (@justjillsherman) March 4, 2016

The moment @tedcruz loses the Presidency...white lip thing ... #lipgate #awkward

— Audra Burns (@AudraB603) March 4, 2016

Was it stray gum? A lil chunk of chaptick? Leftover marshmallows? Tonsil stones? Bile from the thought of Donald Trump? The world may never know.