Nothing to See Here Except 14 Adorable Photos of Dogs With Mustaches

Discovering pet quirks that are uniquely theirs makes us fall in love with them even more. I remember when, just days after rescuing our dog, we noticed the way her tail thwacked into the wall like a metronome, so we decided to name her after our favorite drummer. Sometimes the unique characteristics are behavioral, like a tail banging into a wall like a drum, and sometimes they're superficial . . . like having cute facial features.

After the adorable shelter puppy with the handlebar mustache stole the hearts of the internet last week (he has tons of families waiting to adopt him, FYI), we started poking around Instagram to see how many other puppers out there also donned above-the-lip stubble. Guess what? We found a ton! Fourteen to be exact. Whether created by markings, hair, discoloration, or a shadow, each one of these regal pups is cuter than ever. Have a look.