Warning: These Books and Movies Will Cause SPC (Spontaneous Plane Crying)

This week, people have been sharing the sad movies and books that have made them cry on a plane, and it's way too real. I have my own example of embarrassing myself on a flight to Japan by sobbing quietly through Rainbow Rowell's YA novel Eleanor & Park while my husband slept soundly beside me. Nothing like kicking off vacation with red, puffy eyes and mascara streaming down your face!

If you, too, find yourself crying on planes, you're not alone. There have actually been studies on why this phenomenon is so common. It may not even have to do with what you're watching and reading on your flight, although it's something to take into consideration. For instance, don't be the person who reads The Fault in Our Stars on a plane unless you plan on using your seatmate's sleeve as a tissue.

To prove my point, read these true sob stories and feel better about your own midflight emotional breakdowns. Consider this a guide to what you should NOT read or watch on your next flight!

Walk the Line
Warner Bros.

Walk the Line

"Ridiculously, Walk the Line, the Johnny Cash movie. I started thinking about how beautiful it is to make music with your partner and how I will never experience that. It was embarrassing."

Two Days, One Night
Warner Bros.

Two Days, One Night

"Oh my God, Two Days, One Night with Marion Cotillard. She works in a factory and has one weekend to go around to all her co-workers individually and convince them to give up their bonuses so she can keep her job. It. Is. Heavy. I was audibly sobbing and didn't even care."

The Theory of Everything
Sony Pictures

The Theory of Everything

"I watched The Theory of Everything on a plane ride back from London by myself and sobbed harder than I've ever sobbed at the ending. The man next to me gave me side-eye and his wife handed me a tissue from the aisle seat. It was a special moment for all three of us."

Lion (and Pretty Much Every Popular New Movie)

Lion (and Pretty Much Every Popular New Movie)

"I'm sitting on a plane right now sobbing my eyes out while watching Lion (the man next to me is staring at me and trying not to laugh at me). I've tried hiding behind my hair, sneaking a few 'I'm blowing my nose' wipes of my eyes, and finally just gave into it.

In fact, all of the 'new releases' are making me cry. Right now they include Jackie (I watched that on the way out here and couldn't stop crying) as well as Manchester by the Sea."

The Fault in Our Stars

The Fault in Our Stars

"Yeah, I'm the idiot who watched The Fault in Our Stars on a plane. Not sure what was worse, the actual crying or the focus I put into trying NOT to."

Me Before You

Me Before You

"I'd had Me Before You on my reading list for a while when I finally picked it up at an airport bookstore to read on the plane — big mistake. I absolutely lost it, to the point that a flight attendant came over and asked if I wanted something 'other than sparkling water,' which I'd been drinking. I wanted to take her up on the offer and have some wine, but that probably would have put me over the edge."

And finally . . .

And finally . . .

"Does turbulence count?"