Prepare Your Patronus — Dementors Are Coming to Harry Potter World

Have you ever walked down the enchanted streets of Hogsmeade at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and thought, "Man, I wish this was more terrifying"? Well then, friend, you've gotten what you wished for and ruined it for the rest of us in the process. Dementors are officially headed to the Potter-inspired theme park — at least, for the time being, at its Japanese location. So you can kiss that worry-free Harry Potter vacation goodbye and start practicing your Patronus Charm, unless you prefer your family trips with a side of soul-sucking.

OK, OK, so that's a little dramatic. According to HelloGiggles, the spooky, cloaked creatures will make their appearance in a nighttime show at the Wizarding World in Osaka, Japan, but they won't be wandering the park at all hours. And so far, there's no news about the dementors making their way across the pond to the United States Wizarding World parks, so most of us can rest easy and enjoy our Honeyduke's shopping sprees in peace. (For now!)

So, are you excited about this dementor news? Let us know in the comments if you're planning on booking a trip to Japan ASAP, or if you'd rather enjoy your vacation without a side of a Dementors' Kiss!

Warner Bros.