This Harry Potter-Inspired Residence Hall Is the Coolest Thing We've Ever Seen

If you've been unable to plan a trip abroad to a destination on your Harry Potter travel bucket list because of, well, college, then what one student did to their campus residence hall will inspire you to get creative.

Imgur user and resident Potterhead Time93 embarked on a labor of love and completely transformed these standard college campus hallways into the magical "World of Harry Potter." Using downloadable printouts and tons of creativity, Potter-inspired decals from Quidditch hoops, a large basilisk, and even a hidden opening to the Chamber of Secrets were plastered throughout the halls and restrooms to bring Hogwarts to life. The results are amazing! Keep on scrolling to see the fantasy-inspired space.

"The entrance to the floor and the "World of Harry Potter." Surrounding the elevators are the proclamations listing residence hall rules."

"Across from the elevators is the "Daily Prophet" — my co-RA and I hang up all flyers and announcements here. The TV is standard on every floor and plays through different daily updates."

"I downloaded the template online, then heavily personalized them. There's 17 decrees and what I expected to take approximately 30 minutes ended up taking over two hours."

"All residents are sorted into a Hogwarts house and can compete to earn points. Points are rewarded for things like getting an A on a midterm, attending an educational program, or taking their photo with the school mascot. This was at the start of the year, and all the hourglasses are now almost full."

"Wizards on one side . . ."

"Every resident has their own door decoration. I found a super similar idea on Pinterest and modified it slightly."

"A large basilisk — my largest decoration — outside the second floor restroom. It's technically the boy's lavatory though, but no big deal."

"The other end of the snake — too big to get in one shot."

"I put this super small detail in the restroom — an opening for the chamber. No one has noticed it all year, to my knowledge."

"One of the mandatory educational bulletin boards, over the fun facts of alcohol safety."

"I have a few large cut-outs of different Potter things, including this suit of armor . . ."

"... and the flying Ford Anglia."

"Another cut-out, this time of an owl, surrounded by some helpful information. I tried to use more artwork from the books but couldn't find applicable ones."

"Another bulletin board, although there's no Harry Potter theme here. Just a bunch of Twitter handles to follow."

"I used leftover feathers from the door decs to make these flying keys. Gotta fill that wall space."

"A series of spiders near the end of the hall. I think giving their legs a '3D effect' really helps make them pop and stand-out."

"My favorite bulletin board, a series of Quidditch hoops and balls with information on the school's multiple gyms."

"An example of one of the gyms. The papers give distance, hours, and amenities. The font is the same as used in most places on the floor."

"Finally, a "Meet Your Prefect" board, in Ravenclaw colors. Thanks for checking it out!"