14 Totally Necessary Items Every Messy Girl Needs

POPSUGAR Photography | Sisilia Piring
POPSUGAR Photography | Sisilia Piring

No matter what your friends say, you didn't choose the messy life — it chose you. And since it's a struggle going day to day with a new stain on your shirt or rip in your tights, we've assembled a list of items you should always have on hand — whether it's at your home, office, or significant other's place. Trust us, once you have these products, no one will think you're messy again . . . until you drop food everywhere, of course.


Tide to Go

You will spill something on yourself, but with this handy product, you can clean it up in seconds!


Extra tights

Nothing is worse than getting a run in your tights, especially at work. Have an extra pair so you're always looking clean and professional.


Nail file

For whatever reason, part of being messy means your nails getting snagged in all sorts of weird places. Have a nail file on hand to quickly shape them up.


An extra t-shirt

In case Tide to Go can't get the majority of the mess off a shirt, have an extra one to quickly switch off. To avoid anything getting on this shirt, get it in black.



As you cut yourself yet again, having Band-Aids, especially ones you like or ones that are fun, will help you forget of your latest mishap.


Bobby pins

No matter what you try, your hair is always a mess by the end of the day. To quickly spruce up before any event, use some bobby pins to tuck away stray hairs or create a simple hairstyle.


Tissues or napkins

Always have at least one tissue or napkin on hand — perfect for on-the-go messes.


A strong case for your smartphone

Should you get the pretty case that leaves your phone slightly unprotected? No, because you will drop it and be very sad. Get a strong case so you never have to panic anytime something happens to your phone.


A water bottle with a closed cap

Some people like to tempt fate and drink out of water bottles with straws. You are not one of them, because it will spill and get everywhere. Invest in a fun water bottle with a strong lid.


Shower mat

You never know when you're going to slip and fall and a shower mat will make sure that doesn't happen in one of the worst places it could.



You will get a cut and you won't remember from what, but having Neosporin nearby will make sure it stays clean and heals properly.


Cheap sunglasses

Since your glasses probably fall off your head or you might accidentally sit on them, using a cheap pair will lessen the blow when they break.


Clorox disinfecting wipes

With all your spills and mishaps, these wipes will make sure that your space still remains slightly sanitized.


A small comb

Forget to comb your hair again? Or, maybe it gets tangled throughout the day? A small, portable comb will help make you look less frazzled.