13 Traits of an ISFP Personality Type That Will Have You Saying, "That's So Me"

Considering that one description of ISFPs literally includes the phrase "Don't box me in!," it should come as no surprise that I dragged my feet taking a personality test to begin with. I am not a single "type" to be analyzed and picked apart, dammit. But then, THEN I took the Myers Briggs test, and my type, ISFP, was pretty f*cking spot-on. The ISFP official description reads:

Quiet, friendly, sensitive, and kind. Enjoy the present moment, what's going on around them. Like to have their own space and to work within their own time frame. Loyal and committed to their values and to people who are important to them. Dislike disagreements and conflicts, do not force their opinions or values on others.

Sound like you? If you're an ISFP and you'd like to learn a little more about what makes you tick, your strengths and weaknesses, and your relationship habits, read on. (Pretty visuals ahead, because ISFPs are all about what's aesthetically pleasing!)

You're artistic.
StockSnap | Matthew Henry

You're artistic.

ISFPs love color and beauty, are creative, and have a vivid imagination. So, naturally, many of them are artists. In fact, the ISFP trait is commonly known as simply "The Artist."

You're spontaneous.
StockSnap | Brodie Vissers

You're spontaneous.

You love taking chances, trying new things, and generally being in a changing environment, whether it's in your personal or professional world. Some may describe you as "unpredictable," but you prefer "adventurous"!

You're passionate.
StockSnap | Job Rascon

You're passionate.

ISFPs are always looking for something that will excite them, and when they do, they dive headfirst into it — everything else be damned. This can mean jumping into risky endeavors, but it can also mean finding innovative solutions to issues at work. Passion can also translate to being "sensual," at least with a partner they trust. 16 Personalities says, "Intimacy is an opportunity for ISFPs to satisfy their partners, and they involve every sense available in enjoying these moments."

You live in the NOW.
StockSnap | Milada Vigerova

You live in the NOW.

ISFPs don't dwell on the past or spend a lot of time looking ahead. Instead, they want to truly live in the moment and enjoy what's happening this very second.

You're an easy-going friend.
StockSnap | Rawpixel.com

You're an easy-going friend.

Because you'd rather have fun, be adventurous, and enjoy the moment than get bogged down with critiques or planning, ISFPs are easy-going, relaxed, and nonjudgmental friends — always up for a good time or spontaneous get-together. "If their friends keep things supportive and easy-going, ISFPs are happy to return the favor with added warmth and laughter," says 16 Personalities.

You're introverted, but it may not be super obvious.
Unsplash | Aidan Meyer

You're introverted, but it may not be super obvious.

ISFPs are introverts, so they need some alone time to recharge and prefer quality over quantity when it comes to relationships. However, because ISFPs value having close, personal connections, your need for alone time may come as a surprise to your friends.

You're independent.
StockSnap | Chevanon

You're independent.

You are self-sufficient and prefer to do things your own way. "Freedom of expression is often ISFPs' top priority," says 16 Personalities. "Anything that interferes with that, like traditions and hard rules, creates a sense of oppression for ISFP personalities."

You guard yourself in relationships.
StockSnap | Brodie Vissers

You guard yourself in relationships.

With romantic partners and with friends, it takes a while for you to build up enough trust to really become vulnerable and let them see the real you. And even after years together, your significant other may be surprised to learn things about you. 16 Personalities adds that they make "warm, enthusiastic partners" and that they "love finding ways to surprise their partners in fun little ways." The best romantic matches for an ISFP are ESFPs and, actually, fellow ISFPs.

You're a terrible planner (or, more specifically, you hate planning).
StockSnap | Larm Rmah

You're a terrible planner (or, more specifically, you hate planning).

You hate getting bogged down with thinking about the future, especially when it comes to logistics like financial planning or figuring out your next trip's itinerary. If you're in a relationship, your partner is the one who gets stuck with all the planning, but luckily, you are easy-going and have no problem following their lead.

You value experiences.
StockSnap | Rawpixel.com

You value experiences.

ISFPs are looking to enjoy every moment, so they'd rather spend the day hanging out with their best friend or enjoy a staycation with their significant other to celebrate a milestone. They're also more likely to spend their money on experiences over things, and they'd rather splurge on a big trip now than tuck their money away for a rainy day.

You're curious.
StockSnap | Joshua Fuller

You're curious.

ISFPs are all about action and discovering things for themselves. Instead of wasting time talking about what could happen, they will get in there and figure it out for themselves. "Ideas are well and good, but ISFPs need to see and explore for themselves whether their ideas ring true," says 16 Personalities.

You're easily stressed.
StockSnap | Rawpixel.com

You're easily stressed.

ISFPs are competitive and emotional, which causes them to shut down in stressful situations. This can be evident in work environments where their need for independence and flexibility coupled with shortsightedness can come head to head with professional goals and management.

You believe in actions, not words.
StockSnap | Warren Wong

You believe in actions, not words.

Less talking, more doing. 'Nuff said.