8 Genius Pool Hacks You'll Want to Use All Summer Long

POPSUGAR Photography | Maria del Rio
POPSUGAR Photography | Maria del Rio

If you know what's good for you, there's no doubt you'll hitting up the pool this Summer. We want to make your life easier, so we've rounded up the best hacks we could find for when you're headed to the pool. Check out these brilliant tips and tricks that will make your trip to take a dip better than ever.

  1. Bring a blow dryer with you. If you're going to inflate any pool floats, set your blow dryer to cool and use it to fill them up without wasting your breath.
  2. Waterproof a tote bag. Turn a bag you already have into a beach bag by using waterproof spray on it to keep all of your belongings dry.
  3. Put your smartphone is a plastic baggie. You will still be able to use it while keeping it safe from splashes and water damage by the pool.
  4. Make a floating cooler. Slit pool noodles down the middle longwise and stick them to the end of a plastic container to make your own floating cooler.
  5. Use Kool-Aid to remove chlorine from your hair. Mix lemonade Kool-Aid into your shampoo, lather your hair, and rinse to remove any chlorine buildup from your hair.
  6. Bring a balloon with you. No joke — if your ears get clogged with water, blowing into a balloon while plugging your nose can help.
  7. Set out dryer sheets. If you're at a pool with lots of mosquitoes around, lay out dryer sheets to keep the bugs away. The sheets will repel them.
  8. Bring a sand bucket with you. If you have to sit on hot pavement, use the bucket to grab some pool water and pour it on the cement to cool it down.