7 Activities That Are So Much Better at Sunrise


They say successful people make the most of their mornings; never hitting snooze and always getting started before the sun comes out. But the truth is, these people — the early risers, the productive ones who are "doing it right" — have just figured out something the rest of us still need to learn. Not only is starting the day at sunrise the best time to be productive but it's also a rare, uninterrupted opportunity to connect with and channel your best self.

If that sounds like something you're down to try, we've rounded up seven mindful activities that'll make you want to get an early start from here on out. Read on to see what they are, and prepare to become a morning person, too.

Give Your Daily Workout a New Spin

Give Your Daily Workout a New Spin

We know this isn't the first time you've heard that morning workouts are a great jumpstart to the day, and it won't be the last. Giving up a precious hour of sleep to sweat may seem silly at first, but you'd be surprised at just how exhilarating it can be. If you're new to the early a.m. fitness grind, start off slow by jogging, or even just finding your pace at a brisk walk. But if you're a well-seasoned pro, try incorporating a brief but challenging 10-minute HIIT workout into your sunrise training rotation. You'll love how it feels to kick off the day with your blood flowing and endorphins pumping.

Write It All Down

Write It All Down

The real beauty of early mornings is the complete and total silence. And if you're of the creative breed, this is likely your definition of sanctuary. No matter if you're writing the next bestselling novel, putting your feelings into song lyrics, or sketching out a story from last night's dreams, the serenity of dawn can be the best way to get in touch with your thoughts and let them flow.

Cruise Down Open Roads

Cruise Down Open Roads

For some of us, there's no space more relaxing than behind the wheel of your vehicle. Before embarking on your daily commute, go for a leisurely early morning drive to take advantage of traffic-free roads and alone time to clear your head. To make the most of a morning cruise, we suggest locating an open road in an area surrounded by 360 degrees of scenic views. If you get out there early enough, you may even catch the break of dawn as gorgeous hues blend together in the sky.

See Your City In a New Light

See Your City In a New Light

You want to know how the best Instagram stars really get their winning shots? They commit to early mornings, late nights, and fewer hours of sleep. Following their lead, you can make even the most familiar spots seem brand new by learning to adjust your focus. Whether you're perusing your hometown or a temporary vacation spot, motivate yourself to wake up at the crack of dawn, walk the streets, and enjoy stumbling upon a dreamy backdrop of rolling clouds and unique light patterns that will surround you during those prime hours.

Appreciate Nature in Silence

Appreciate Nature in Silence

As with sunsets, eclipses, and the like, Mother Nature prefers to show off her beauty at the most uncommon hours of the day. To maximize your opportunity to catch breathtaking glimpses of natural sights in their purest form, take to the trails for a sunup hike. And the best part of all? The endless rows of trees will make for amazing light patterns as the sun spills through the cracks.

Ride It Out

Ride It Out

Early mornings are the best times to coast down sidewalks and streets on a trusty set of wheels. Whether you're a skateboarding chick or just looking to take your spinning obsession to a bike that actually moves, getting out there before morning traffic means you won't have to worry about sharing the roads. While you're at it, you can perfect your skills, think through any of your worries, or even meet up with a friend to enjoy the time together.

Eat a Real Breakfast

Eat a Real Breakfast

While this one may seem obvious, there are few of us who actually sit down to enjoy a fresh breakfast that they woke up early to prepare. Because the wee hours of morning are among the most serene and slow-motion moments in your entire day, commit to enjoying them in peace. Put your phone down, grab a book or the daily paper (yes, that's still a thing!), and dedicate a minimum of 15 minutes to idle your thinking.