Your Jan. 8 Weekly Horoscope Is Finally Adding Some Oomph to Your New Year

Weekly horoscope for Jan. 8, 2023

The beginning of a brand-new calendar year is typically inspiring when it comes to intention setting and mapping out goals, but reveling in the new-year momentum has been a lot easier said than done with both Mars and Mercury retrograde. The good news is, if you've been dealing with unexpected delays or simply running low on energy, your Jan. 8 weekly horoscope is slowly but surely bringing you back up to speed.

Mercury is the planet of communication, daily miscellanies, and immediate exchanges, so we experience its effects on a personal level. This includes your text messages, neighbors, emails, and means of transportation. However, when transiting through Capricorn, the messenger planet thrives. Here, savvy Mercury gets right to the point without beating around the bush. It's practical, honest, and sophisticated in its delivery. Mercury retrograde in Capricorn, on the other hand, is all the more discerning in that it needs more time to process information and make decisions because it has a lot to consider. Take this opportunity to step back and re-assess your long-term goals and professional commitments. Between now and Jan. 18, make sure you have all of your facts straight, specifically when regarding your responsibilities and due diligence.

Speaking of the "facts," last week's full moon in Cancer brought an influx of intuitive nudges and emotional epiphanies, some of which are still coming to light at this time. With the help of this week's breezy transits — starting with an insightful Mercury–Uranus trine on Jan. 8 followed by Venus's light-hearted connection with Mars on Jan. 9 and the Virgo moon's trine to innovative Uranus on Jan. 11 — you'll not only feel supported on your journey thus far, but also reassured and validated via their harmonious energy. Highlight of the week? After what might have seemed like an eternity of a retrograde transit — back spinning since Oct. 30, 2022 — assertive Mars will finally station direct in Gemini on Jan. 12. Gemini is governed by Mercury, so we're not completely out of the woods until the messenger planet goes direct on Jan. 18. Either way, you will begin to notice a difference, as the red planet governs everything from our red-hot passions to our levels of motivation and assertion.

If you're wondering what this week has in store for you, read on for your weekly horoscope for Jan. 8 through Jan. 14, according to your zodiac sign and your rising sign. For a look at the year ahead, read your 2023 yearly horoscope.

Aries (March 21–April 19) Weekly Horoscope For Jan. 8, 2023

You're getting your groove back this week, Aries, so be sure to keep your eyes on the prize. With Mercury retrograde sitting alongside the sun in Capricorn — via your 10th house of career, reputation, and public persona — you're not only reconnecting with your sense of authority but also becoming clear on your long-term goals. Others of you might be in the process of restructuring your professional agenda, but with the help of an insightful Mercury–Uranus trine on Jan. 8, reviewing and reassessing your due diligence could come with some unexpected and much-needed reassurance.

If you're not meeting your coworkers for happy hour, then you can always spruce up your LinkedIn profile now with Venus transiting through techie-loving Aquarius. On Jan. 9, the planet of love will also harmonize with your celestial ruler, Mars retrograde, which is the perfect opportunity to reconnect with an old friend, if not follow up on your unread DMs. And you're in luck this week, as your fiery ruler will officially station direct after a three-month-long retrograde in your third house of immediate surroundings.

Taurus (April 20–May 20) Weekly Horoscope For Jan. 8, 2023

You're reconsidering your approach and looking at your long-term goals from a different perspective, Taurus. The week of Jan. 8 will kick off with Mercury forming a harmonious trine to spontaneous Uranus in your sign, all while retrograding through your expansive ninth house of wisdom, higher learning, and self-discovery. Whether it's about your professional trajectory or your individual beliefs, Mercury retrograde will likely catch you off guard with important insights. Previous observations or opinions around your career path could suddenly alter, as it will be a reflection of your brand-new outlook. When considering the fact that your planetary ruler, Venus, will harmonize with Mars retrograde the next day, this new energy will more than likely revolve around your professional aesthetic, if not an opportunity to capitalize on your talents, skills, or abilities via the World Wide Web. It's not every day Venus transits through tech-savvy Aquarius, let alone through your public 10th house of reputation. Are you ready for your close-up?

Then, despite its journey through your flamboyant fifth house of self-expression, the moon is humble and poised when transiting through fellow earth sign Virgo. Either way, the moon's trine to Uranus in your sign continues to complement your personal and professional branding, especially for those of you experimenting with building a presence on social media. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone this week, especially with Mars going direct in your money-making second house on Jan. 12. Mercury is still retrograde though, so gather the necessary data in the meantime, and make a final decision after it goes direct on Jan. 18.

Gemini (May 21–June 20) Weekly Horoscope For Jan. 8, 2023

You're almost out of the woods, Gemini. In the meantime, your planetary ruler, Mercury, will continue to retrograde through Capricorn and your intimate eighth house of mergers and shared resources, but it will meet with Uranus in a liberating trine on Jan. 8. What attachments are you ready to let go of? If you've been unconsciously sabotaging yourself, or feeling inhibited in a relationship, this insightful synergy could bring clarity and perspective. You're free to be who you want to be, and Venus's square to Mars retrograde in your sign the following day is encouraging you to take a step back and retrace your steps. How can you approach this partnership without losing sight of your individual beliefs?

Some of you may go as far as rekindling your relationship with mysticism or astrology. The key is to follow your muse, freely and unapologetically. And if you're lacking inspiration, feel free to harness this week's moon–Uranus trine on Jan. 11, as it will activate your fourth house of home and family. Organizing your humble abode, or perhaps even investing in new technology, could bring excitement and novelty. The best part? Mars will finally station direct in your sign on Jan. 12 after being retrograde since October 2022. Your savvy planetary ruler, Mercury, will station direct on Jan. 18, too. Until then, pay attention to what's being brought to your conscious mind.

Cancer (June 21–July 22) Weekly Horoscope For Jan. 8, 2023

You're being encouraged to be more discerning with your partnerships, specifically those within your extended community or via social media, Cancer. The week of Jan. 8 begins with Mercury retrograde forming a harmonious trine to innovative Uranus via your 11th house of associations, future visions, and individual freedom. Keep in mind, Mercury continues to retrograde through your relationship sector, suggesting the possibility of a spontaneous encounter with someone from your past, whether in person or in your DMs.

While dancing through your erotic eighth house of intimacy and entanglements, Venus will meet with Mars retrograde in a flirtatious trine — but there's still something that needs to either be reviewed or reconsidered. Maybe it's financially or in terms of online dating . . . either way, you're being called to honor your sacred space and share your energy wisely. Expect the unexpected when regarding your immediate exchanges on Jan. 11, as the moon in Virgo will meet with erratic Uranus and likely catch you off guard in the process. Ironically enough, Mars will be stationing direct the following day, which means this unexpected breakthrough could have something to do with your past actions.

Leo (July 23–Aug. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Jan. 8, 2023

Anything is possible when you're in the right state of mind, Leo. This is especially significant to consider at the start of the week when Mercury retrograde meets with rebellious Uranus in a liberating trine. While hovering over your sixth house of daily duties, Mercury retrograde will receive unexpected insight from the change-maker planet (Uranus) via your bossy 10th house of career, reputation, and public persona. You might be contemplating whether you should re-apply to the position of your dreams, or discover a clever strategy or shortcut while revisiting a professional endeavor.

Venus is already dazzling your seventh house of contractual agreements and significant others, but it will meet with Mars retrograde in light-hearted trine via your 11th house of community and sense of belonging in the world. You're being encouraged to approach something in the realm of friendship or community with an open mind. Revisiting a long-term goal or reconnecting with a group of like-minded individuals could bring you back to your element and heart space. In fact, with the moon entering Virgo and your money-making second house the following day, this could also bring unexpected perks in the financial department. With Mars going direct shortly after, implementing these changes will help get the ball rolling.

Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Jan. 8, 2023

You're re-evaluating your approach to romance as well as your unique self-expression, Virgo. The week of Jan. 8 begins on an introspective note, as your celestial ruler, Mercury, continues to retrograde through Capricorn and your fifth house of lust, passion, and pleasure. This same day, the messenger planet will meet with electric Uranus in a liberating trine via your ninth house of expansion and belief systems. Change of heart? Perhaps, but the essence of Capricorn is more practical than emotional, so you could simply feel the need to reconsider your long-term pursuits, even if it's creatively speaking.

On Jan. 9, Venus will dance with Mars retrograde via your 10th house of authority and public persona while dazzling your sixth house of strategy and daily routines. Mars retrograde is suggesting that this collaboration or endeavor is either connected to a past energy or is perhaps still under review. Don't be afraid to experiment with what you already know, as you're more likely to gain perspective and insight. On Jan. 11, upon the moon's shift into your sign, the moon will meet with rebellious Uranus, adding a layer of spontaneity to your usual routine. Then, with Mars going direct the following day, you come out of your motivational funk as determined as ever to succeed.

Libra (Sept. 23–Oct. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Jan. 8, 2023

Does the foundation of this connection feel safe and secure, Libra? On Jan. 8, while retrograding through Capricorn and your fourth house of innermost feelings, Mercury will dance with Uranus via your intimate eighth house of joint ventures. Structures, assets, and heirlooms could be brought to the forefront, but there's something serendipitous about this discovery. Your celestial ruler, Venus, will meet with Mars retrograde via your expansive ninth house of adventure and self-discovery, which can be equally as collaborative as it is creatively inspiring. An opportunity to travel with a community or group of friends could also come out of the woodwork.

On Jan. 10, with the moon entering Virgo and your sleepy 12th house of rest, feel free to take this time to retreat and call your energy back. Then, when considering the moon's trine to Uranus the following day, some of you could gain unexpected insight that liberates you from a toxic romantic attachment. Mars — celestial ruler of your relationship sector — will finally station direct on Jan. 12, moving partnerships and contractual agreements forward after a long period of stagnancy.

Scorpio (Oct. 23–Nov. 21) Weekly Horoscope For Jan. 8, 2023

You're being called to integrate the wisdom of your experiences with your current reality, Scorpio. The week of Jan. 8 kicks off on an unexpected note, as Mercury retrograde meets with Uranus in your relationship sector, adding a layer of spontaneity and eccentricity to your exchanges and your communication style. Check your DM requests, perhaps? Truth be told, Mercury retrograde spares no one; exes could come out of hiding when you least expect it. Others of you could begin to see a connection with a different pair of lenses.

With Venus dancing with Mars retrograde, this could revolve around an investment you made in the past, whether personally or professionally speaking. However, given the moon's ingress into Virgo (your 11th house of social networks) the following day, chances are this pertains to a professional endeavor, if not a community of individuals with whom you resonate. On Jan. 11, your traditional ruler, Mars, will station direct in Gemini via your intimate eighth house of shared resources and joint ventures, bringing momentum and clarity to this area of your life. That said, you can expect even more information to surface upon Mercury stationing direct on Jan. 18.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21) Weekly Horoscope For Jan. 8, 2023

Reflect on the value of your investments, Sagittarius. This is especially significant when considering Mercury retrograde's trine to Uranus at the start of the week, as it will ignite your stability-seeking second house of values as well as your sixth house of daily rituals and due diligence. How have you been spending your time and energy? Your perspective on your day-to-day routine and money-making abilities could suddenly alter, as you're likely to experience an unexpected nudge from the universe, perhaps when it comes to a strategy you consistently depend on. Are you being compensated fairly?

With Venus charming your curious third house of communication and immediate surroundings, you're not only more logical in your approach but also intellectually delightful. Keep in mind, Venus will be meeting with Mars retrograde in your relationship sector on Jan. 9, which is where you're being encouraged to harness the magic and eloquence of Venus to either reconnect with someone from your past or negotiate with a business partner on next steps. Though Mars is stationing direct shortly after, Mercury (Gemini's ruler) is still retrograde until Jan. 18. Don't jump to conclusions until you have all of the facts straight.

Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 19) Weekly Horoscope For Jan. 8, 2023

Growth requires a certain amount of discipline, and you know this more than anyone, Capricorn. Your honesty, humility, and pragmatism will be sure to come in handy on Jan. 8, as Mercury retrograde will meet with Uranus via your fifth house of love, passion, and self-expression. This will present you with an opportunity to revisit either a pending project or perhaps approach an endeavor from a different standpoint. Themes of self-worth and your money-making abilities could be of greater prominence with Venus dazzling through your stability-seeking second house of finances and value systems. The planet of love will also meet with Mars retrograde in a charming trine on Jan. 9.

Strategizing on new ways to capitalize on your talents, skills, and abilities? With Mars retrograde in your sixth house of daily rituals and work routines, you may feel compelled to retrace your steps in order to gain clarity on a personal goal, whether it's finance-related or in terms of your well-being. In fact, with the moon entering Virgo on Jan. 10, there will be an opportunity for research, if not a change of plan that allows for you to venture down a brand-new path. The moon will meet with Uranus the following day: if it's artistic or romantic, you can expect there to be a dash of something unconventional involved. Your individual freedom could be taking precedence.

Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) Weekly Horoscope For Jan. 8, 2023

If things feel unsettling on the home front, don't lose sight of the bigger picture, Aquarius. The week of Jan. 8 will begin on both a liberating and introspective note when savvy Mercury, retrograding through your secretive 12th house of closure, meets with rebellious Uranus in your fourth house of home and emotional foundations. Freeing and unexpected, this could serve as a portal for healing, especially for those of you who've been struggling with inevitable changes at home and when it comes to your living space.

On a brighter note, Venus will be transiting through your first house, which is equally as alluring as it is flirtatious. Be sure to harness this cosmic superpower wisely. Venus will be dancing with Mars retrograde on Jan. 9, presenting you with an opportunity to revisit a romantic connection or creative endeavor. Second time's the charm? The moon will be entering Virgo the following day, bringing emotional emphasis to your intimate eighth house of shared resources, followed by the moon's trine to Uranus the next day. Whether financially or in terms of logistics, one thing's for sure this week, and it's that you're getting reacquainted with your freedom.

Pisces (Feb. 19–March 20) Weekly Horoscope For Jan. 8, 2023

Thinking about your next big venture? Mercury retrograde in Capricorn is bringing emphasis to your 11th house of community affairs and individual freedom, specifically when it comes to a past collaboration or long-term goal. However, Mercury retrograde will harmonize with freedom-loving Uranus via your curious third house of communication and immediate surroundings on Jan. 9, adding a layer of spontaneity and unconventionality to your social interactions. Blast from the past? You could decide to reconnect with someone you used to work with, if not revisit a skill you were dedicated to once upon a time.

On Jan. 10, the moon will slip into meticulous Virgo and your seventh house of contractual agreements and significant others, followed by the moon's trine to Uranus the following day. Whether in person or via social media, you could sporadically connect with someone important in the workplace, if not spend some quality time with your significant other — even if it requires you to think outside the box. Mars will finally station direct on Jan. 12, bringing logistics back to speed, specifically when in regards to your home, family, and personal life.

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