Chewbacca Mom Singing "Heal the World" on Facebook Live Will Give You So Many Chills

Candace Payne, better known as "Chewbacca Mom," brought smiles to MILLIONS of faces with her hilarious Facebook Live video seen around the world. In light of the horrible tragedies in the news this week, Payne — who lives only 30 minutes from Dallas — traded the Chewbacca mask for a piano and once again took to Facebook Live — this time to sing a rendition of Michael Jackson's "Heal the World." Her song is heartbreaking and beautiful — and she says she hopes that it will say what she (and many of us) haven't been able to put into words this week. Here's what she said on her page.

"I really don't know else to say other than, I've been spreading joy and I've been hoping to do that, but I found myself the last couple of days being silent because I've been so sad and so hurt by what's going on. And I wanted to just share with you my own arrangement of a song . . . that has really meant something amazing to me . . . and then hope that in some way it touches you and inspires you today to make a better place."