Why There Will Never Be a Facebook Dislike Button

We've all wondered it before: why is there no Facebook dislike button? In an interview with Tech Radar, the very creator of the like button finally gives the answer.

Bret Taylor (Facebook's former chief technology officer who left in 2012 to start Quip) says he considered a dislike button but that it was too complicated. While you and I might think to use it in the context of expressing sympathy ("it sucks that your dog is sick"), not everyone would do the same. The main reason, he said, "is that in the context of the social network, the negativity of that button has a lot of unfortunate consequences."

Like cyberbullying, for instance.

"If you want to dislike something, you should probably write a comment, because there's probably a word for what you want to say," he elaborated.

If that fails, may we suggest using emoji on Facebook?