The Most Epic Takedown of Internet Bullies You'll Ever Watch

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Hiding behind the anonymity of usernames, people tear each other apart online. Enraged, hateful comments fill forums on Reddit, YouTube, and countless other sites around the web. These remarks often reek of sexism, racism, and prejudice. That's why poet Shane Koyczan created the video above, titled "Troll." It's an extremely powerful telling of the dangerous effect of cyberbullying that rings especially true this month as October is Bullying Prevention Month. Trust us — this will be the best five minutes you've spent in a long time.

Some of Shane's quotes are too good not to repeat:

"You turn your keyboards into catapults, wondering which one of you can be the first one to hate this best."

"Turned hate into stones and hurled them at beauty as if you couldn't bear to see anything but ugly, anything different."'

"As if each message board were a stage for you to cite hostility, turning freedom of speech into freedom of cruelty."

These quotes resonate with a post I wrote recently about a sexist DC Comics Batman shirt. The post went viral and was quickly taken over by angry, hateful commenters. I began to receive disgusting tweets telling me to "get in the kitchen and back in the bedroom," which further proved my point about gender inclusivity and sexism in the comic-book world. But the vulgarity of the statements — from complete strangers, no less — still shook me.

Sticks and stones may break bones, but words leave wounds that take much longer to heal. Do your part to stop cyberbullying and share this video with the young people in your life.