The 1 Reason You Should Download the Latest Pokémon Go Update

Pokémon Go's newest update will hopefully help you become a Pokémon master. The "Nearby Pokémon" tracking feature is completely revamped and more useful than ever.

The update, version 0.33.0 on Android and 1.3.0 on iOS, is testing a type of "Nearby Pokémon" setting and separating it into two categories: Nearby and Sightings. Both are super easy to understand and use. The update also includes a number of new safety features, like asking trainers to "confirm they are not driving" and to not play if they are at a certain speed level. You can now also change your nickname — but only get one time to do it.

But, you obviously want to know how to use "Nearby" and "Sightings" right? Check out our breakdown ahead and start catching more Pokémon to complete your Pokédex.

The "Nearby" section now has more to uncover.
Everett Collection

The "Nearby" section now has more to uncover.

You'll see that this area now has images of Pokémon that are nearby and photos of where they might be in the real world. The Pokémon in this section are close to a Pokéstop. Tap on any Pokémon to see more details.

Explore where the Pokémon could be nearby with more clues.
Everett Collection

Explore where the Pokémon could be nearby with more clues.

Once you tap on the image, you'll see a photo of where it's near. If it looks unfamiliar, you can take one step further to figuring out its location by tapping on "View."

In "View" mode, you'll see an aerial shot of where the Pokémon is.
Everett Collection

In "View" mode, you'll see an aerial shot of where the Pokémon is.

You don't get an address, but you will see "footprints" of where the Pokémon is. It should be easy to find with the aerial view and image of where it's near.

"Sightings" makes you search for Pokémon without any clues.
Everett Collection

"Sightings" makes you search for Pokémon without any clues.

In "Sightings," you won't see any clues or footprints of where the Pokémon is. Instead, you'll have to do like any Pokémon master and search for the Pokémon without any help. These two updates should make the game a little more challenging and fun for everyone.