Someone Made a Parody Rogue One Trailer and It's the Best Thing Ever

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Say the words "Jar Jar Binks" to any Star Wars fan and they'll either sigh or start laughing hysterically. The character from the prequel trilogy was the best or worst character in the films, depending on who you talk to, and has become a meme in the Star Wars world. First, fans came up with a convincing theory that Jar Jar Binks is actually Supreme Leader Snoke, and now another fan completely remade the Rogue One: A Star Wars Story trailer to include Jar Jar.

Titled "Rogue Binks: A Star Wars Story," the trailer replaces Jyn Erso with Jar Jar Binks. Michael Murdock, the creator behind the trailer, didn't stop there. He even adds several cameos, like replacing Chirrut Imwe's character with Chewbacca Mom. You'll have to watch the whole video to see who else pops up, but it will definitely make your day.