The Stormtrooper Party You Won’t See in Star Wars: Episode VII

Remember those twerking Stormtroopers?

They're back, and one of 'em is giving us a tour of his epic home on a special edition of EmpTV Cribs. (Take that, Mary-Kate Olsen.)

The hilarious Star Wars parody of the long-gone MTV Cribs series has it all — materialism (a white helicopter decorated with his number of kills), sensitivity (a portrait of his cat Starlight, who was killed on the Death Star), and, of course, fun times (an epic pool party where R2-D2 and C-3PO are servants).

The pool party quickly turns bad when Darth Vader shows up with his own agenda. Eek! But the main thing we're still thinking about is how the video producers created that incredible-looking Jabba the Hutt character.

Happy Thursday, y'all!

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