Holy Moly! You Can Now Play Super Mario 64 on Your Browser

A Super Mario superfan just made the world a little bit better. Computer science student Erik Ross re-created Super Mario 64 in HD, which you can see above. And the best part? You can actually play it on a PC or Mac browser through this site. You just need to install a web player plugin from the Unity game engine, but it supports gamepads too.

"This is a project built in Unity 3D, a recreation of Mario 64's first level, Bob-Omb Battlefield. I originally built this to demonstrate the Super Character Controller, a custom character controller written for Unity, but I got a little carried away," wrote Ross on YouTube. "The project is open source and can be downloaded by anybody and used for anything, outside of selling it. Mario, of course, belongs fully to Nintendo, and if you haven't had the chance to play Mario 64 I'd put it somewhere on your to do list."

Welp, there go your plans for the rest of the day.