These Comics About Modern Life Are the Funniest Thing You'll See Today

Have you ever found yourself scrolling through Tumblr at 3 a.m., knowing you should be asleep? These new 21st century woes are exactly what Florida-based illustrator Kiki Schirr is documenting, one comic at a time.

Schirr's comic series, called "Tech Doodles," focuses on the 20-something experience with technology. The drawings shine some insight into social media problems, like Snapchatting an ex, and working in startup culture. As a cofounder and current marketing director of the app Fittr, Schirr can definitely speak to what it's like to work in the technology sector. "There's a lot of trial and error, bumbling, repetitive boredom of day-in-day-out tasks, and honestly? Some navel-gazing," she said. "The stories that seem to resonate the most are about small failures and self-doubts: the desire to be in bed at 2 p.m. and working at 2 a.m., or the inability to understand people talking pop culture."

Take a look to see if you can totally resonate with Schirr's words and drawings. You can follow her work on Medium and Facebook.

I'll Be Watching You
Kiki Schirr

I'll Be Watching You

The Great Outdoors
Kiki Schirr

The Great Outdoors

2006 Was a Simpler Time
Kiki Schirr

2006 Was a Simpler Time

Murphy's Law of Snapchat
Kiki Schirr

Murphy's Law of Snapchat

The Vicious Cycle of Pinterest
Kiki Schirr

The Vicious Cycle of Pinterest

The New Rules to Live By
Kiki Schirr

The New Rules to Live By

The Hardback vs. Kindle
Kiki Schirr

The Hardback vs. Kindle

The Problem With Working From Home
Kiki Schirr

The Problem With Working From Home

Should I Turn Off My Laptop For the Night?
Kiki Schirr

Should I Turn Off My Laptop For the Night?

Mediating Without All the Extra Work
Kiki Schirr

Mediating Without All the Extra Work

Kiki Schirr


Delusions of Grandeur (or Coding Skills)
Kiki Schirr

Delusions of Grandeur (or Coding Skills)

Makeup For Entrepreneurs
Kiki Schirr

Makeup For Entrepreneurs

When Did I Become a Woman in Tech?
Kiki Schirr

When Did I Become a Woman in Tech?

Talking With Your Non-Startup Friends
Kiki Schirr

Talking With Your Non-Startup Friends