10 Ridiculous Things the Apple Watch Will Remind You Of

The release of the iWatch, er — sorry, the Apple Watch — has caused quite a stir. With a unique look and countless high-tech features, this gadget of the future definitely has people talking — and taking those thoughts to Twitter, of course. There are claims that it's iPod nano-esque, a Jetson's ripoff, or akin to Miley Cyrus paraphernalia, and we have to admit that some of the comparisons are actually kind of spot on.

Now that I've seen it in action pretty darned impressed with Apple's new iWatch. Wow! pic.twitter.com/wtFo0ZnePK

— Craig Gary Phillips (@craigary) September 9, 2014

I can't see myself wearing an iWatch. Looks like a Tamagotchi

— InstaG: TuneLuciano (@_TuneLuciano) September 9, 2014

iwatch looks like what Power Rangers used to use to turn into their zords

— Connor Schofield (@connorpizza) September 9, 2014

I don't know about this Apple Watch. It looks a little phone-y.

— Tyler Brunsman (@TyBruns) September 10, 2014

.@ARTschorn says the Apple watch looks like "an egg timer with straps." I agree: 'tis fug. http://t.co/zckVkzJ7Jl

— Amy Kaufman (@AmyKinLA) September 9, 2014

The Apple Watch is just a Nano on your wrist. Still looks too big for my wrists.

— Florence Ion (@Ohthatflo) September 9, 2014

Very happy with my four year old iWatch pic.twitter.com/2nPhnvVTCg

— 3 Alveston Place (@3alvestonplace) September 10, 2014

Just pre-ordered my  Watch pic.twitter.com/oeNhG3HYPB

— Jeremy Cabalona (@jeremycabo) September 9, 2014

Apple's watch looks, mysteriously, bafflingly, like a watch.

— Charlie Stross (@cstross) September 9, 2014

The iWatch looks like one of those old calculator watches. Cool retro.

— Slater Young (@thatguySLATER) September 9, 2014

Front Page Image Sources: Apple and Warner Bros.