This High School Football Player's Postgame Speech Will Seriously Inspire You

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Need a little motivation to kick off your week? This Texas football player has you covered. Apollos Hester's inspiring postgame speech quickly went viral over the weekend, as the high school senior opened up about how he stays motivated on the field. In an interview with local news affiliate TWC News Austin, the wide receiver got animated while talking about the heart of his team. "Sometimes in life, you're going to start slow. That's OK," he said. "We're going to start slow, but we're always, always going to finish first." As the viral video of Apollos continued to pick up steam, he started a Twitter account, tweeting his thanks for all the support.

I was not expecting this kind of love! Thank for all the support.

— Apollos Hester (@Apollos_Hester) September 22, 2014

Watch his enthusiastic interview to get inspired, and then check out more must-see viral videos!