Source: New Line Cinema

Before Sex and the City's fabulous Manhattan foursome came along, there was the teenage Shelby, IN, crew you knew and loved: Roberta, Samantha, Chrissy, and Teeny. 1995's Now and Then captured some very important truths about life, covering everything from coming-of-age issues to family troubles to the highs and lows of friendship and love. (Remember that first kiss between Roberta and Scott Wormer? Or when Samantha nearly drowned?) While the four teens were more than a little different, each girl brought something special to the table, and it really was "all for one, and one for all." Take this quiz to find out which Now and Then character you are!

When you really care about someone, you:

Tease them
Blog about it
Say "I love you"
Give them just-because presents
Show it with your actions
Make sure you're there when they need you

How do you like to spend free time?

Working out
Hanging with friends

Pick your drink of choice:

What's your biggest fear?

Being lied to
Letting an opportunity slip
Never learning to let go
Missing out (FOMO)
Losing someone you love
Never finding "The One"

Who is your '90s boy-band crush?

One thing no one knows about you is:

You have a secret lover
You're addicted to Law & Order: SVU
You usually fake it 'til you make it
You have feelings
Your background
Your "number"

Pick a high school read: