16 Reasons You Should Take Pride in Being a Miranda

Back in Sex and the City's TV heyday, when many people were trying to figure out which of the main characters they were most like, there seemed to be an unspoken belief that it was bad to be "a Miranda." Think about it: Carrie has the cool curly hair, unique fashion sense, and interesting job; Samantha is completely fearless when it comes to everything in life, especially sex; and Charlotte is pretty and perfect and lives on Park Avenue. But Miranda? Miranda Hobbes has the dowdiest wardrobe (especially in the first two seasons!) and can be so pessimistic that she often veers into Debbie Downer territory. "But she's so mean to Steve!" your girlfriends may have said; "That haircut!" another probably quipped. Be honest — you did not want to be a Miranda.

Here's the thing about Miranda, though: she is the realest. She is, quite possibly, the baddest b*tch on the block, and when it comes to her friends, she is an unwavering pillar of strength and constant source of support. When Carrie considers reuniting with Big after their devastating (first) breakup, Miranda is the one to slap some sense into her ("He's bad for you, Carrie!") and in Sex and the City 2, when Charlotte is feeling overwhelmed with the pressures of being a mom, it is Miranda who tells her that she doesn't have to be everything to everybody. When Miranda goes through her own hard times — like when her mother passes away and when she contemplates having an abortion after an accidental pregnancy — she has to come to terms with her own emotions and learn how to lean on others for comfort and encouragement, just like any other adult would. As the show went on, we were introduced to Miranda's softer side, but thankfully, she never loses her edge or her trademark biting wit. In honor of all the Mirandas out there — especially those who may have initially rejected their Miranda-ness — we've rounded up the 16 reasons you should let your Hobbes flag fly. Keep reading to see them all now.

Miranda is level-headed and realistic about love.

Miranda is level-headed and realistic about love.

She's equally level-headed and realistic about sex.

She's equally level-headed and realistic about sex.

She celebrates her success as a single woman and tries not to let the patriarchy get her down.

She celebrates her success as a single woman and tries not to let the patriarchy get her down.

She doesn't submit to antiquated gender roles — instead, she sticks to her own brand of femininity.

She doesn't submit to antiquated gender roles — instead, she sticks to her own brand of femininity.

And when she eventually decides to have a baby, get married, and move to the suburbs, she does it all on her own terms.

And when she eventually decides to have a baby, get married, and move to the suburbs, she does it all on her own terms.

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She gives amazing, heartfelt advice — even when it's unsolicited.

. . . But she also knows when to shut up.

. . . But she also knows when to shut up.

She will call you on your bullsh*t — and she may even take a little bit of pleasure in it.

She will call you on your bullsh*t — and she may even take a little bit of pleasure in it.

She drops the most gigantic truth bombs, and they're usually pretty accurate.

She drops the most gigantic truth bombs, and they're usually pretty accurate.

She never, ever apologizes for the way she lives her life.

She never, ever apologizes for the way she lives her life.

And she has no problem accepting who she is and admitting to her faults.

And she has no problem accepting who she is and admitting to her faults.

For all her strengths, Miranda can still be painfully insecure (i.e., human).

For all her strengths, Miranda can still be painfully insecure (i.e., human).

She has her fair share of guilty pleasures, like Chinese takeout, bad TV, and chocolate cake out of the garbage.

She has her fair share of guilty pleasures, like Chinese takeout, bad TV, and chocolate cake out of the garbage.

She knows when it's time to walk away, whether it be from a belief, a relationship, or just a terrible conversation.

She knows when it's time to walk away, whether it be from a belief, a relationship, or just a terrible conversation.

And her eye-roll cannot be stopped (or topped).

And her eye-roll cannot be stopped (or topped).

So, if you're a Miranda, hold your head high and be proud of your inner Hobbes. You got this.

So, if you're a Miranda, hold your head high and be proud of your inner Hobbes. You got this.