4 Baby Milestones You Need to Celebrate

Big milestones get all the fanfare — first birthday party, first smile, first steps. Yes, those are great, but it's the in-between moments, the often-uncelebrated sweet spots of life, that can make a regular old day feel magical. Celebrating lots of firsts is part of enjoying parental life, so here are a few you shouldn't overlook.

First Shopping Trip

First Shopping Trip

In the early days of parenthood, there is a lot of couch and lounger time with babies. Getting out to do a little shopping can make you feel human again, and a calming walk through the aisles can be fun for the baby, too. Dress your little one in an appropriately themed onesie, strap him in an ergonomic carrier, make sure you've got diapers and milk in your stylish-but-practical diaper bag, and hit Target for the essentials or just for some fun pick-me-ups for the play days ahead. Bonus: snuggly walks can be sleep-inducing for the youngest little ones . . . just saying.

First Meal at the Table

First Meal at the Table

Graduating from bottles and milk to solid food (and upright eating) is no small feat, so when a baby joins the family in a high chair at the table, make it a moment! This is her entrance into the social tradition of mealtime talking, sharing, and connecting — that's a big deal. Prep for the event with a no-spill sippy cup, tasty food pouches, and teething wafers that encourage self-feeding. Then take messy-face photos, embrace the chaos, and keep a broom handy. Trust us.

First Bathtub Bath

First Bathtub Bath

Newborns are tough to bathe — they have to be supported on all sides and most people do some quick work in a sink and call it a day. So when your baby sits in the bathtub on her own for the first time, it's a day to remember. Time to explore colorful squirting toys, bubbly soaps, and that mysterious water spout (with a cute safety cover, of course)! Suds them up using an ultragentle foam shampoo, and then there's the photo-friendly finale: I challenge you to find anything cuter than a baby in an animal-themed hooded towel.

First Walk Around the Block

First Walk Around the Block

Babies' consciousness grows by the day, and their first stroll through the neighborhood will expand their universe and rack up a ton of firsts. First glimpse of trees! First peek at the sky! First feel of wind! Imagine. Keep the essentials like multi purpose wipes and a few diapers on you in an easy-to-maneuver stroller, and make sure you've got a cozy swaddle blanket, good for warmth while cruising or as an impromptu blanket on the grass if you find a nice spot to sit. Then put one foot in front of the other and show your kid the world!