This Stunning 60-Year-Old Woman Is the Star of a Brand-New Swimwear Campaign

The Dreslyn
The Dreslyn

The fashion industry's obsession with youth is so widespread, we rarely stop to question it. But when a beautiful new campaign from The Dreslyn featured 60-year-old model Yazemeenah Rossi showing off swimwear, we wondered, why don't we see more of this? For the label's second collaboration with lingerie brand Land of Women, it enlisted Yazemeenah for an exclusive editorial that showcases the stunning model in every look — bathing suits, tube tops, and cover-ups — and the results are truly stunning and downright inspiring. Of the shoot, The Dreslyn Founder and CEO Brooke Taylor Corcia told us exclusively:

"The Dreslyn was conceived as a platform to redefine femininity and sensuality on our own terms. Land of Women shares this mission and our collaborative collection of swimwear was designed with simplicity and purity in mind, to emphasize the woman wearing the product. Yazmeenah Rossi embodies the modern, ageless confidence, intelligence and grace, making her a natural fit for this story, and we are thrilled to have had such an incredible, visceral response to this season's message."

To which we'll add, cheers to another woman — and brand — who's helping to change the industry.

Read on for a complete look at Yazemeenah's shoot, then shop the collection.

The Dreslyn

The Dreslyn

The Dreslyn

The Dreslyn

The Dreslyn

The Dreslyn

The Dreslyn

The Dreslyn

The Dreslyn

The Dreslyn

The Dreslyn

The Dreslyn

The Dreslyn

The Dreslyn

The Dreslyn

The Dreslyn

The Dreslyn

The Dreslyn

The Dreslyn

The Dreslyn

The Dreslyn