Taco Bell's Cinnabon Delights Coffee Is Outrageously Drinkable

Taco Bell released a new item to its beloved breakfast menu: Cinnabon Delights Coffee. Despite some fans' less-than-enthused response to the Premium Rainforest Alliance-certified coffee flavored with Cinnabon crème, I got my hands on a hot cup to determine for myself whether the drink is . . . palatable.

Expecting the drink to be coffee-flavored syrup, I took a small sip and prepared for the worst. However, I must admit, I really, really enjoyed it. Not too sweet, slightly creamy, and smooth, the Cinnabon coffee tastes like a lighter version of a vanilla latte. I took a larger gulp, and another, and sure enough, I finished the whole cup, even though I wasn't craving coffee in the slightest! The only complaint I could possibly see people having is that the coffee is on the thin, light side. But frankly, I found that pleasing. Yes, I'm a coffee fanatic who enjoys artisanal roasts and all that, but I gotta say, I won't hesitate to pick up a Cinnabon coffee while on a road trip or when a craving strikes.