Property Brothers' Jonathan Scott Just Stood Up to Cyber Trolls in the Most Impressive Way

When you're a public figure like Property Brothers star Jonathan Scott, you're used to receiving your fair share of trolling on social media. The legions of fans seem inevitably to come with a few outspoken haters – but this time, the cyberbullies went too far. Jonathan posted a message of support for the Women's Marches on his personal Facebook page, and while there was much solidarity in response, there was also vitriol spewed at Jonathan and the pro-march supporters who commented on his post.

Jonathan could not sit by idly and watch the cyberbullying. He responded with a video message captioned "For those of you incessantly cyber bullying..." which has now been viewed more than half a million times and counting. In it, he makes it clear that while it's fine to have a difference of opinion, being a bully and trying to pick fights is not OK. "My social media is a place for us to inspire each other and to build each other up, and there's no need to try to tear us apart and try to attack other fans," Jonathan says, adding, "We will never all agree on everything, but we should always be willing to look and see if someone's heart is in the right place." We couldn't agree more! Check out Jonathan's complete message in the video above.