It's prom season throughout much of the country, meaning moms and dads are busy snapping photos of the high schoolers all gussied up for the big dance. But if your friends have younger kids — I'm talking about elementary-school-age tots — your Facebook feed may be filled with slightly different formal images these days. Over the past few Friday nights, I've noticed a preponderance of photos of dapper dads handing their dressed-up daughters corsages with captions reading, "Daddy-Daughter Dance time!"

Thinking back, I remember the seventh grade dance in the middle school gym (the one where the boys stood on one side of the room and the girls on the other and never the twain shall meet), high school homecomings (a bit more rambunctious), and then, of course, the proms (where teachers couldn't keep kids' hands off of each other).

But the idea of the daddy/daughter dance is new to me, bringing up a lot of questions. Are the dances a big deal? And what about little girls who don't have a dad? What if they have two moms? What if they are being raised by a single mom? Or what if their dad passed away? How do the schools include these girls? And what about the boys? Are there mother-son dances too? I haven't seen any photos of those in my feed, but maybe moms have trouble convincing their sons to go.

Tell us, how do you feel about the daddy/daughter dance concept?

Source: Flickr user Public Information Office