Mom Wrote a Touching Note For Her Daughter Before Dying, and It'll Shatter Your Heart

An Indiana teenager is going viral after sharing a letter her mother wrote to her before passing away, and her words will tug at your heartstrings like they've never been tugged at before.

Margaret Summer, who went by Peggy, was diagnosed with stage four kidney cancer last Summer and battled the disease until it took her life on Oct. 31. Before passing away, Peggy penned touching letters for each of her children and her husband, filling each with words of encouragement and advice. Hannah, her 18-year-old daughter, shared her one-and-a-half page note on Twitter with a powerful reminder for her followers: "Please hug your parents a little closer and never take them for granted because you never know when you could lose them."

You may want to grab a few tissues (or, heck, an entire box) before reading Peggy's heart-wrenching note. Hannah's late mother began her letter by writing, "If you are reading this then the surgery did not go well," after which she explained how she "tried [her] best to beat this terrible disease."

Hannah Summers

Peggy detailed how she wants her daughter to be happy and offered up some words of wisdom about coping with grief. "Be patient with dad, this is going to be hard on him and he will need time," she wrote. "You both need to lean on each other and talk a lot which is not one of our strong points but try and don't give up. Remember you have a lot of people who love you, so talk to them often."

She also added in a few motherly reminders. "Use your common sense about things, like not going anywhere by yourself and having an emergency kit in your car in the Winter. If you can carpool to school do it; stay away from parties because they are usually bad, not all boys are bad, but most will tell you anything to try to get you to do things," she wrote.

Hannah Summers

Peggy continued, "If you have kids someday make sure they know how much I love them and wanted to be there to see them. . . . And most of all remember that I love you more than you will ever know!" before signing her name at the end.

When Hannah shared photos of Peggy's letter on Twitter, the tweet went wildly viral, garnering more than 90,000 retweets and nearly 300,000 favorites. On top of that, thousands of people tweeted their condolences to Hannah and her family, noting how her mother's letter made them feel wildly emotional.

before my mom passed she wrote us all letters. this is mine. please hug your parents a little closer and never take them for granted because you never know when you could lose them. I love you momma. 💗

— hannah summers (@_hannahsummers) November 1, 2017

Thank you for sharing with us. Your Momma is beautiful. And you are going to make her so proud Hannah.. ❤️

— JÉRÔME JARRE (@jeromejarre) November 3, 2017

My mom passed also & she wrote me a letter exactly a year before just "in case." I treasure it daily. So sorry for your loss, stay strong ❤️

— Brooke Laughlin (@_BrookeLaughlin) November 2, 2017

heart is SHATTERED. im so incredibly sorry for ur loss. your tweet and her letter have opened my eyes and inspired me. both in my prayers. 💘

— matt. (@mattoots) November 2, 2017

Hi Hanna I dnt know u, but from reading this your Mom told the🌎 more than enough. WE believe in u & your family is in my prayers🙏🏽 God bless

— Quael (@YoungQuael) November 2, 2017

We asked Hannah how it feels to have the internet rallying to support her, and she admitted that she "never expected the letter to get this big," but it's been "heartwarming" to see how many people her mother's words have touched. "I'm so happy that through the letter people have been able to realize just how precious life is and that you should always appreciate those around you because you never know when you could lose them," she told POPSUGAR. And we truly couldn't agree more on that one.