This Touching Amazon Ad About a Priest and Imam Is Exactly What We All Need to See Right Now

In a Donald-Trump-is-going-to-be-president world, it might feel like tensions between different religious groups are at an all-time high. Just look at the rise in reported hate crimes against Muslims and anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi conventions. A commercial won't do anything to stop this, but a new holiday Amazon Prime ad is here to show us that peace is possible. The touching video shows a priest and imam meeting each other for tea — they realize they both have knee problems and order each other the same knee brace as a gift without knowing it.

While many think the ad is in response to Donald Trump's election, Amazon refuted the idea. "This advertisement was produced and booked to appear on TV before the election result was known, so this certainly isn't a reaction to that," Amazon spokesperson Julie Law told CNN. Still, Trump's divisive rhetoric was well-known in the months leading up to Nov. 8, and the ad remains a powerful message that's giving people hope in these post-election times.