More Fox News Viewers Are Unsatisfied With Trump's Performance Than OK With It

Excluding the White House's assessment of President Donald Trump's first 100 days in office, reviews of his performance since taking office have been less than favorable across the ideological spectrum. While Fox News hosts have pushed back against the president on more than one occasion, the viewers are apparently just as unsatisfied with his performance so far.

According to a poll released by Fox on April 26, which was conducted by phone and surveyed 1,009 randomly selected registered voters across the country, half of its viewers considered Trump's attempt to bring change to Washington DC a failure. A lowly 43 percent of respondents said he was succeeding at his campaign promise to "drain the swamp."

Continuing to demonstrate their discontent with Trump's administration, more Fox viewers disapprove of his performance than approve: 48 percent of respondents said they were unsatisfied while 45 percent said they were happy. Vice President Pence didn't fare any better either; only 50 percent of viewers approved of his performance.

The most surprising finding? The number of viewers who appear to be regretting their decision to vote for Trump; only 32 percent of viewers said they might vote for him again in 2020 and seven percent said they would vote for someone else.

For comparison, a CNN poll conducted from April 22 to April 25 revealed similar results: 54 percent of the 1,009 people polled said they disapproved of Trump's performance and a whopping 61 percent of people said he was untrustworthy.

It looks like the president's constant contradictions and lack of a coherent agenda have cost him the support of some of his most loyal advocates.