Shelter Dog Becomes Disney Star in Upcoming Lady and the Tramp — What a Beautiful Story!

Celebrity dog in our midst! Monte was adopted last year from HALO & originally came from Las Cruces, NM. Monte will be starring as "Tramp" in the new live action Disney movie according to this @People Exclusive #HALO25yrs #HelpingAnimalsLiveOn

— HALO Animal Rescue (@HALORSQ) August 12, 2019

We all love a good damsel-in-distress or princess-in-danger story when it comes to Disney classics, but when the studio finds a way to re-create this theme in real life, well, that's just unexpected and beautiful. But that's exactly what Disney did when it decided to cast Monte, a 2-year-old rescue terrier mix, as the star in the upcoming Disney remake of Lady and the Tramp.

Monte had been at the HALO Animal Rescue in Las Cruces, NM, and when animal trainers came to the venue looking for rescue dogs to cast in an upcoming Disney movie, staff recommended Monte because of his easy temperament. He was swiftly adopted by the trainers, and will now star in the upcoming film, slated to premiere on Disney's streaming service in November. Not only is this a fairy-tale ending for Monte, but Disney confirmed that all of the rescue dogs featured in the film found their forever homes.