This Hilarious Video Shows How the Debate Would've Gone If the Candidates Were Honest

The last presidential debate was rife with tension, quarrelling, and some pretty ridiculous statements. If it's possible, the candidates' words seem even more laughable when you see how Seth Meyers spliced them between his own questions in a hilarious spoof on Late Night.

Acting as the debate moderator, Meyers probed Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump with some intense "questions" like: "Mr. Trump, what do you think happens to people when they die?" and "Secretary Clinton, what is the one thing you absolutely cannot do?" Meyers even asked Trump what was the most important skill he had learned since he started his campaign, to which the GOP nominee "responded" by saying, "About three months ago, I started reading."

This version of the debate is arguably more entertaining than reality, though it's difficult to laugh when so much is at stake this election.

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